What is Soltura?

Many of you who are regular readers may have noticed that about once a month, I disappear and go incommunicado for a few days. Where do I go, you might ask? Many would recognize that I have gone to Soltura, but not necessarily know what that means. So, today as I prepare to disappear again for a few days, I wanted to share my own little piece of “social action” where I see the world changing one person at a time. It is a challenge to describe, because I have never heard of or experienced anything so unique in my life. Soltura is the place I began to find healing for my soul and it is the place I go to be refreshed and restored as I pour my heart, time and energy into helping provide a space for others to either begin or continue their own personal journey.
So here’s a little bit of my personal history: While at therapeutic boarding school my then 14-year-old son went to his first workshop. My husband and I were subsequently invited to participate in our own workshop. Entering into the experience, I considered myself a pretty high-functioning individual who handled life’s ups and downs with reasonable “success”. I was very unaware, however, of how much I was just getting by and hiding behind defense mechanisms rather than fully participating in life.
Soltura gave me the space, the safety and the exercises to help me find my own best answers to the questions and roadblocks that stood in my way of truly knowing myself and therefore knowing the world around me. I came to know God in ways that I had never dreamed imaginable as I opened the door to new possibility. The tenet that I most admire and hope to live by is “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” What I have found is that if I do not know who I truly am I cannot love myself well and thus cannot love anyone else well; for I end up loving them exactly as I love myself which can be pretty crummy some of the time.
If you visit this website because you love Lucy and how she embraces life, you might be intrigued to know that I found Lucy (or she found me) through a Soltura workshop. I cannot imagine my life without her.
I have seen people from all walks of life experience Soltura…from Presidents of international companies to the abused mom who formerly slept in her car. Rich and poor. Ages 14 to 71. Addicts and teetotalers. Bold and timid. Christian and agnostic. Jews and followers of Zen. Businessmen and starving artists. Students and stay-at-home moms. People pushed by loved ones to get there and others seeking help on their own. I believe that Soltura is for everyone who desires to live life fully.
Soltura is where I go to work. It is where I go to play. It is where I go to be with God and be with friends and laugh and dance and be Lucy at her fullest. Soltura is a gift I am compelled to share with the world. I invite you to check out the Soltura website here. (The testimonies are really my favorite ☺.) Other posts are available here and here or check out the Soltura topics in my sidebar.
Anyway…that is where I will be from August 13-19. I’ll “see” you when I get back and pray you will come to find the Soltura of your life.

Reader Comments (7)
Thanks for sharing that with us. I wish you joy in your visit.
Dear Lucy, I LOVE THE POST AND THE PICTURES!!!! As you know, It was at Soltura that in a profound and magical place I found my heart, found my home. I realized that before my workshop I was existing, surviving but not really living. I am so grateful for the experience. And since that time it has continued to touch and transform the lives of other members of my family. It has become my touch stone, my six degrees of separation...... Truely, through my Soltura experience, that was the time of my transformation experience. Have a great time, Hugs to Everyone....I would love to hear about the workshop when you again emerge from the Soltura 'Birthing Womb!!!!!' Love, Tin Man #1......
kayce i am moving closer and closer to joining you for a weekend the thought keeps bubbling to the surface so i think the time is coming have a lovely weekend peace maureen
have a great time :)
tess, tinman, maureen, shelby--glad to have you here. blessings!
This sounds like such a life-giving and life-affirming experience. And these gifts are passed on to the readers of your blog! May your time be rich and renewing. Blessings!
"life-giving and life-affirming" are great words are great words for the essence of soltura! thanks redbarn.