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SoulStrolling Inspiration Deck


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Welcome to SoulStrolling™! We have created this site for those who want to take their personal journeys to a new level—whether at home or faraway. This is not about being frantic tourists. Therefore, we are not tour guides. We are, instead, pilgrims seeking a meaningful way of being and living. We are about creating and sharing soul-full experiences, and moving forward with intention each day whether at home or in a new city or foreign country.

Pause. Take a look around. Allow your soul to take a stroll. We are delighted you’ve chosen to join us in this space. You can find the Principles of SoulStrolling here. 

SoulStrolling™ is a trademark of Sharon Richards and Kayce Stevens Hughlett. 

Entries in Strolling (9)


Love Poem for Paris

You welcome me over and over again as I return to hold your hand and lose myself upon your cobblestone streets.

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Jumping Feet First into Friendship & Adventure

I wish I could capture a highlights tape of each new encounter and play it back when I forget the lovely randomness of life. We can’t control where we’re going or who will step onto our path anymore than we can know what tomorrow will hold. What we can do, however, is be present to each moment and allow the time to become a snapshot in our mind.

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SoulStrolling™ Sunday à Paris

You don't have to be in Paris to engage in soul strolling. Imagine how you might proceed today without plans. What if you slowed down and listened to the patois of life around you? What if you let the music invade your soul and danced to its rhythm? What if you became like a child and opened the day to play? Ponder this.

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SoulStrolling™ in San Diego

Travel is a portal into new and old worlds. We remember ourselves (past, present, future) when we cross thresholds into the unknown. Getting lost in order to be found. Strolling to encounter our soul.

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