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live it to give it is all about love and connection. Being authentic. Living our lives and sharing it with others. Life is messy and so is this blog. Somedays my organized coach self shows up. Other days it's my vulnerable author. There's a mom that lives inside me alongside a wife, friend, social justice activist, creative muse, ponderer extraordinaire, and multitude of others. I'll introduce you to people who inspire me and offer a peek into my world that very likely intersects with your world. In other words, I will share life in its full, glorious mess with you. I'm honored you're here and I hope you'll come back soon!!  Cheers! Kayce 


Entries in zine (3)



Grace Unbound: New Reflections on an Old Subject is a creative combination of words and image. Containing original works as well as some old favorites and over 50 stunning photos by amazing photographer, Bill Hughlett, this small 7 X 7 book will make a great gift for yourself or others. Grace Unbound contains thought provoking and reflective images like those you have come to love and appreciate here. It is simple and complex. It is easy to read and it will make you think. I hope you will decide to give and receive this gift of Grace.

As a dear friend recently stated upon entering an exciting and scary venture, “the deed is done.” The first printing of Grace Unbound has been ordered. Yippee!! So, for those of you who said you wanted a copy (or a few), it’s time for you to receive your special deal. If you indicated your interest prior to this order (there were about 14 of you), then your cost will be $18 per book (including shipping). Congratulations!

For those of you who are now ready to place your order for this amazing collection of meditative thoughts and images, the price is $20 (plus shipping). Discounts will be given for orders of more than three ☺.

If Grace Unbound is meant to be received for delivery before Christmas, orders need to be placed no later than Friday, December 5 for regular delivery.

To confirm your order or to place a new one, please send me an e-mail at Check, Money Order or Paypal will be accepted.

I can't wait to hear from you!!!



“But for most art there is no client, and in making it you lay bare a truth you perhaps never anticipated: that by your very contact with what you love, you have exposed yourself to the world.” ---from Art and Fear

My days are full and good. Exciting even. The book is coming to fruition. After yesterday’s initial brief announcement, there are requests for more than 20 copies. Oh my. This makes me really nervous. I feel exposed! What if they don’t like it? If they feel ripped off? What if they don’t “get it”? What if it looks horrible? The voices battle. The inner critic says, “Dump it!” The strong me says, “Spread the word!”

This book is me. It is my form of grace. My grace is sufficient for you. Grace has supervised this project. The molding and shaping throughout the book. Add more pages. It’s not enough. Will it ever be enough? And so, I stop and declare. This IS enough. I get to choose and this feels right. It feels sufficient…maybe even more than sufficient ☺.

I see the trails of my life throughout this book. Soltura. Family. Amazing Grace. Beauty. Form. Movement. Sunday School. Mars Hill. The bus. Formative moments. Brazos and Lakebay. It’s all there. Mexico. Bermuda. Seattle. Texas. The desert. The beach. Night and day.

This is the beginning. Oh sh*t, here we go again, Lord. You are amazing beyond words and I am scared to death. Is it fear of failure or success? What if I am successful? It is my dream and it terrifies me! And, it thrills me! My chest is tightening. Breathe. Be still and know that I am God. Slow down. Breathe. My grace is sufficient for you.

photo by lucy from seattle sculpture park 11.17.08


Lucy has a Book...almost!!!

Exciting works are in progress here. (At least I think so and hope you will, too.) With this post, I am delighted to announce the upcoming release of the first ever, super spectacular, wonderful collaborative work of my dear hubby and Me!

Grace Unbound: New Reflections on an Old Subject is a creative combination of words and image. It is done in the style that has been dubbed as "zine". Containing original works as well as some old favorites and over 50 amazing photos (most which have never been shown elsewhere) by amazing photographer, Bill Hughlett, this 7 X 7 book will make a great gift for yourself or others. This zine contains both thought provoking and reflective images like those you have come to love and appreciate here. It is simple and complex. It is easy to read and it will make you think. It really is quite lovely if I do say so myself.

Grace Unbound will be heading to the printer at the end of this week if all goes well. Watch for updates and let me know how many copies you would like ☺. Pricing details will be up soon. Please note that pre-orders and multiple orders will receive significant discounts!

I am so excited I can hardly stand it! You're gonna love it, too!!!

(Oh and by the way...this is really scary for my alter ego to put out there, but I know it is definitely worth the risk!!! ☺)
