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Welcome to SoulStrolling™! We have created this site for those who want to take their personal journeys to a new level—whether at home or faraway. This is not about being frantic tourists. Therefore, we are not tour guides. We are, instead, pilgrims seeking a meaningful way of being and living. We are about creating and sharing soul-full experiences, and moving forward with intention each day whether at home or in a new city or foreign country.

Pause. Take a look around. Allow your soul to take a stroll. We are delighted you’ve chosen to join us in this space. You can find the Principles of SoulStrolling here. 

SoulStrolling™ is a trademark of Sharon Richards and Kayce Stevens Hughlett. 


Bringing Back the Boon - 20 Things I Learned in Europe

“Imagine your return journey as the last act of an epic story. Which moments gleamed brighter, gave you pause, challenged all your previous beliefs, reconfirmed your belief in the power at the center? … Can you recapture them now that you are home?” Phil Cousineau from “The Art of Pilgrimage” SoulStroller Kayce S. Hughlett reflects on six weeks in Italy and Paris.

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SoulStrolling à Paris - October 2015

Fall in Paris? Mais bien sûr. (But of course!) Dates have been set: October 17 -24, 2015. 

Details available at the end of May when we return from our latest adventure.

If you'd like to see what our previous SoulStrolling adventures look like you can go here and here.

Questions? Contact us at:

We would love to hear from you.


Sharon and Kayce


Eiffel Tower versus Space Needle. Is it a contest?  

People often ask me what it is that draws me back to Paris time and time again. With all the magnificent places to go in the world… Why Paris?

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Final Call for SoulStrolling™ à Paris - May, 2015

Due to a couple of unforeseen cancellations, we have some space available for this always-sold-out experience! What if you chose to live your life from a conscious and wide-awake space? If you listened to your deepest dreams and followed the quiet whispers of your soul? What if you had two skilled guides to take care of all the pesky details and help you set and follow your intentions each day? What if for one week you put yourself first? What if you gave yourself permission to live, love, laugh, walk, stroll, pause, dance, and inhale beauty as only you can do? What if… you did it in Paris?

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Did 'ecstasy roll at my feet?' Hiking Adam's Peak, Sri Lanka

What happens when you combine one excited American SoulStroller and 400,000 pilgrims for a 2:00 a.m. climb up 5500 stairs? Sharon Richards shares her compelling story in this not-to-be-missed post.

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