Suspending Time: Paris, France - October, 2017

"Y-a-t-il plus belle façon de suspendre le temps?" Is there a better way to suspend time? Musing on Paris strolls, parks, museums, and more.
Welcome to SoulStrolling™! We have created this site for those who want to take their personal journeys to a new level—whether at home or faraway. This is not about being frantic tourists. Therefore, we are not tour guides. We are, instead, pilgrims seeking a meaningful way of being and living. We are about creating and sharing soul-full experiences, and moving forward with intention each day whether at home or in a new city or foreign country.
Pause. Take a look around. Allow your soul to take a stroll. We are delighted you’ve chosen to join us in this space. You can find the Principles of SoulStrolling here.
SoulStrolling™ is a trademark of Sharon Richards and Kayce Stevens Hughlett.