I believe ...

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"Oneness cannot be comprehended, only lived." The Gene Keys #2
I carry many tools in my Mary Poppins' bag for healing, grounding, and living in this complicated world —meditation, journaling, card pulling, SoulStrolling, art making, ... Word or image prompts are two of my favorites, and today's post is a relatively unedited selection from my morning journaling.
#abcprompt Alchemy begets connection. Daring everything. Forgetting grievances. Harnassing intuitive justice. Knowing Love means noone oppressed. Patience. Quiet resonances sew transformative understanding ... values where eXistence yet zings.
Wisdom Keepers Oracle & LightSeer's Tarot My work is loving the world. I believe in transformation and the beauty of all people. This is something I must repeatedly remind myself during these days when hatred and blame attempt to fill the airwaves, when covid-19 claims thousands of lives each day. Why some and not others? There are so many answers (& non-answers) to this question.
I believe Love with a capital L always trumps hatred, if only we are willing to dig deep and reveal it. I believe in goodness and I believe there are those who have forgotten what goodness can feel like in their bodies (or perhaps they've never known it at all) ... to know what it means to be held or embraced as if you are the most precious gift in the world. [Insert pause and deep breath here. Can you feel it? The embrace of the beloved? Pause and breathe. Everything else can wait.]
I believe ancient wounds have scarred our hearts and souls. AND I believe healing is always possible when we are open to receive.
My Grandmother's Hands by Resmaa Menakem
ABC prompt - Write a paragraph where each word begins with a sequential letter of the alphabet. Allow your intuition to lead and notice what pops out. I'd love to read it!!
btw - Feel free to email me if you'd like some guidance in doing your own internal work. I currently have a few spaces open for mentorship and healing exploration.

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