In Praise of Hands

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
Hands by KSH via Let's Make Art
#aprillove2020 #somethingsmall #hands
In the grand scheme of things, a hand is small. A fraction of the body. One of four extremities (head not included). Five digits, dexterous if you’re lucky. They feed you, wipe your backside with preciously hoarded toilet paper, and they want to touch your eyes. All the time. Especially in the grocery store. You wash and wash and wash them until the skin cracks.
At night and early in the morning and every other pause in between, you bring them together—that matching pair—at your heart center and you pray and offer well wishes out into the world. You paint flowers on those hands and thank the millions of helping hands around the world who are wiping brows and swabbing noses and adjusting oxygen masks. Who are washing washing washing like nothing you can imagine.
Namaste. Thank you. Merci. They are not enough. But it’s something to pause and say thank you for this something small. This precious digit with a ridiculous number of bones inside it. Fragile and strong. Painted and plain. Weathered and fresh. Jazz hands. Queen’s wave. Fist-bumping. Wrist-wringing. Praying. Peace-signing. Precious healing hands. Cheers to you and all you do. Wondrous really for something so small.
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365 practical reflections and prayers of inspiration, purpose, freedom, and joy. Infused with teachings from historical and current wisdom figures like Carl Jung, Martha Beck, Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Thomas Merton, Sue Monk Kidd, Anne Lamott, and others, As I Lay Pondering feels like sitting down for conversation with a close friend. Filled with soul, it will meet you where you are whether looking for a recharge or grasping for a lifeline. It is a book you can turn to anytime and read cover to cover, randomly, or one entry at a time. Filled with inspiration, short stories, and simple activities to deepen the pathway to presence, this book is the ideal companion for any personal journey.
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