SoulStroller Wins Nautilus Book Award. Woohoo!!!

WOOHOO! The 2018 Nautilus Book Award winners were recently announced and my memoir SoulStroller:experiencing the weight, whispers, & wings of the world is a Silver Winner for Personal Growth & Self-Help by a small press. I can't tell you how elated I am to receive such an honor.
Better Books for a Better World
For two decades, Nautilus Book Awards has recognized books that transcend barriers of culture, gender, race, and class, and promote conscious living and green values, spiritual growth, wellness and vitality, and positive social change. Last year, Nautilus received entries from 36 States of the USA, and from 12 other nations. Dedicated to excellence and high standards of both message and presentation, the Nautilus program celebrates books that inspire and connect our lives as individuals, communities, and global citizens.
Brené Brown • Deepak Chopra • Barbara Kingsolver • Thich Nhat Hanh • Marianne Williamson • Caroline Myss • Gregg Braden • Lynne Twist • Jeremy Rifkin • Lynne McTaggart • Matthew Fox * Daniel James Brown • Eckhart Tolle • Joan Borysenko • Hedrick Smith • Andrew Weil • Katherine Neville • And many more ...
"SoulStrollers learn to let go of the expected and open up to new ways of being and doing." Kayce S. Hughlett

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