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Playing with Prompts ~ #music

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and what is impossible to keep silent.” Unknown

I hear music everywhere… in the mating call of the flickers outside my bedroom window, from the robins who pluck worms out of the freshly turned garden, the buzz saw in my neighbor’s back yard.

The city hums with sounds of laughter from people strolling by, the angsty teenager who screams at his mother, the yipping dogs across the street.

Music pours form the sounds of lawn mowers signaling that spring has truly arrived, and through the whir of the Vitamix that sings, “Let’s get healthy.”

Music. The purr of Aslan, the growl of my stomach, the hum of the espresso maker, the whine from the tea kettle.

Music. Vivaldi. Camille. Jerry Jeff Walker. The Eagles.

Music is everywhere, my friend! It is impossible to silence.

Where will you hear it? 



During the month of March, Sharon Richards and I (the creators of SoulStrolling) are sharing 31 simple words to help you connect and collaborate with your world. (Click here for details and to download the words. No sign up and it’s FREE!)

Ponder the word for the day. Notice what arises in your mind. Free-write. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Make art. Dance it. Snap a photo. Use it as a walking meditation. Slow down. Take your soul for a stroll. Be present. What captures your eye? The ways to play are infinite!!!

Share your findings on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, your blog... Use the hashtag #soulstrolling + the prompt for the day (ex. #here&now) I'd love to know if you're playing!

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