Saying YES - Thresholds & Portals

"Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best."
John C. Maxwell
It takes a lot of practice to say 'yes' to what makes your heart sing, and 'no' to what drags it down. One of the main thoughts that I've seen (and personally experienced) is that saying 'yes' is selfish and self-centered. What will they think if...? I could never... I probably shouldn't... It costs too much money... is too extravagant... isn't worth doing. Etc. Etc. Etc. These are the voices of the naysayers.
Today I'm here to share a beautiful reminder of where 'yes' can lead. I'm delighted to share the debut of my dear friend Sharon Richards' beautiful new book of poems, Thresholds & Portals. Here is the inscription she wrote to me. I carry it as a reminder of the times I'm tempted to listen to the naysayers.
Click image for detailsDear Kayce,
Thank you!! Because you said 'yes' to Vienna, these poems began. Because you said 'yes' to self-publishing, you paved the way for me. Because you said 'yes' to Paris SoulStrolling, and so many other brave adventures, this book came into being.
Deep love from my heart, Sharon
So, my friends if you think saying 'yes' is selfish, I invite you to think again. You never know where your dreams may lead another person.
Where are you being called to say YES this year?
What threshold or portal will you step across or through?
Remember: Live it to Give it!!!

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