Live It Links!

Staying Inspired - On Writing: "... you’re never really alone, but a member of an order called to articulate the fine points of human existence as you experience or imagine it, and that this is an honorable endeavor."
Who makes the rules? Leo Babuto @ ZenHabits offers a somewhat appealing look at rule-making even for this rule-bending kinda woman. Instead of Goals or Resolutions, Try Making Rules
Bringing one out of the archives. What We Already Know ~ a message I needed to hear as we head off to Cuba this week.
How to Surrender When You're Tempted to Scramble by Jeanette Maw - aka Learning to ALLOW; the one where the life coach is schooled by her massage therapist.
Do Auras Exist? ~ a fascinating read as much about connecting the inexplicable with scientific data as it is about auras, etc.
"Mystically inclined people need not fear rational explanations, and rationalists need not fear mystical experience. Both ways of knowing are important human capacities. They can be brought into healthful coherence only to the extent we respect them equally. Our aim should be to seek explanations while appreciating that reality is—at heart—mysterious and awe-inspiring." Will Meecham, MD, MA
On the silly side ~ Do we ever grow too old for a 'good' poop joke?
"Power food" versus "Pleasure food" ~ Life coach, Susan Hyatt offers her insight into healthy eating for life, not just the new year.
No link just words from yours truly ~ Recently I opened a letter that I wrote to myself last spring while SoulStrolling à Paris. These words strike my own soul deeply. May they also touch yours. As we begin this new year, I hope you will join me as we remember to Dance More and Worry Less! YOU ARE EXQUISITE!
One more for you creative types - Authors Publish Eleven Most Popular Articles of 2015
When Pigs Fly ~ A grown-up fairy tale read by Kayce S. Hughlett
How will you defy gravity this year?
I'd love to hear about your thoughts and favorite links. Feel free to share them in the comments and please let me know if you have something you think I might like to read! And do tell what you're pondering :)

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