Aftermath: Birthing A Book and a Child ~ Simultaneously

My beautiful family @ Blue's launch party ~ Daughter to my right is the "launchee" :) People keep asking me what I'm up to now that Blue: a novel’s book launch is "over/done/finished." Guess what? It's just beginning! These past few weeks and months have been a whirlwind of activity and emotion, so I've been taking some time for R&R and letting Blue ride its own wave of momentum for the last week or so.
In addition to publishing Blue, my husband and I also launched our adult daughter into the world. At almost 23, she's off on her first grand adventure, bicycling down the west coast with a friend. It’s momentous stuff!!
The launch(es) have just begun and I’m currently focusing on savoring this time. Blue is officially out in the world. I’ve sent two “babies” on their way this month and the impact is bittersweet. I want to see both of them grow and flourish. There are so many ‘what ifs’ when it comes to raising children and writing books. They are both creations from my heart. I don’t have control over either, and thus I promise myself to focus on each precious moment as it comes.
I know I have more to say on this topic, but for now I think I’ll curl up with my cat, clean out the refrigerator, take a walk, and maybe a nap. Perhaps I’ll stroll by the local bookstore and see if their copies of Blue have arrived. I’ll check my text messages (a few times) for word from my daughter and dream of enchanted peacocks and faraway lands. The birthing process is exhausting and exhilarating. I am a lucky woman to hold so much bittersweet beauty in this well-worn heart of mine.
"No worries, my child," replied Miriam. "Just be yourself. The magic of the night will do the rest." (excerpt from Blue: a novel)
Live it to Give it invitation:
What does your heart long for today? How does your 'magic' desire to break through?
How might you slow down, listen, and trust this perfect moment?
Blue: a novel is available at,, or your favorite independent bookseller. Released September 10, 2015!!
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