Following Wisdom: Can I? Will I? Will You?

So I’ve written this book about beauty and magic and the connection of the universe. It speaks of those things that exceed our ability to fully understand what’s going on in our lives. We don’t always know the how or why. I’ve given nearly three years of my life to this process and ten days from now it officially launches into the world. I say “officially” because like the rest of this process, the launch has taken on a life of its own.
One month ago on July 31, the date of July’s blue moon, one hundred and ten copies were mysteriously released into the world ~ 102 went to Amazon and the other eight to independent booksellers. Weird, wild, and totally out of my control. It threw me for a loop, because it messed with my carefully constructed plan. I have an ambivalent relationship with plans. I believe in working hard and playing well. I believe in listening deeply to the whispers of the world.
Today the whispers are shouting, Slow down! Stop! Trust! It’s Monday again and I’m tired. It’s time for me to do some deep listening and trust that all things really are connected. It’s time to believe the story I tell my coaching clients and friends and associates; the story that says trust yourself. Trust yourself and then what? Everything will work out great? The book will sell a million copies? Life will be fantastic? Just trust yourself. The magic will come. Or not. There are no guarantees or enchanted elixirs. I wish there were. I’d bottle them right up. They might sound something like this:
“You’ve set beautiful wheels in motion, we will handle the rest.” Your Angels
Instead of angels’ wings, my “should” list flitters around in my mind. I should invite more people to the launch party, remind readers to write reviews, hire a promoter, rent a skywriter, buy a billboard. Aak. My gut says, Slow down. We’ve got this. Follow your heart. Trust.
To honor this call (and perhaps have it witnessed), I’m sending this missive out into the world via my tapping fingers. I’m going to snuggle in with the cat, finish the novel I’m reading, and pack for the week. I’m heading off to facilitate a workshop and I need to give myself permission to go. It seemed like a reasonable idea when I scheduled it several months ago. It’s not about novel writing or book promoting. It’s about passion and following your dreams. It’s about wisdom and magic and truth. My practical side says, I don’t have time for this. My truth-telling self says this is the only thing you have time for. Follow wisdom. Follow magic. Follow truth. And above all, trust yourself.
Live it to Give it invitation:
Do you believe in magic?
Today, I invite you to stop, slow down, and trust!
Blue: a novel is available for pre-order now at,, or your favorite independent bookseller. RELEASING September 10, 2015!!

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