Changing Perspective: How One Tiny Step Makes a Difference

Sometimes I totally crack myself up. It’s Monday morning. I’ve meditated. Showered. Decluttered my bedroom. Had coffee, yogurt, berries and granola. Checked email. Journalled. Read some news. Sent a few tweets. Wished people happy birthday on Facebook. Tried to pretend I’m being productive.
Now, I wouldn’t exactly say I’ve been unproductive, but I like to measure productivity by accomplishing what’s really tugging at me. This morning I could say there were about two (maybe three) things on the above list that were calling my name… and still not one of them was at the top of my this-is-what-I-want-to-accomplish-today list.
What I really like to do on Mondays is post a new blog entry. For the last couple of days I’ve been pondering the topic: Do You Want to Change? This is the place where I crack myself up, because while pondering this topic and telling myself I want to write, I’ve been doing everything possible to NOT write the post. I even deterred myself further and decided that I needed a flowchart to illustrate my point, so I surfed the web looking for the easiest, simplest flowchart maker. In other words, I stalled.
The overall gist of my flowchart was this: If you want to change then take one tiny step. That’s it. One tiny step. Personally, I had a decision to make. If I want to publish a new blog post, I have to write it. Period. What’s my choice? Yes? No?
Yes won! So… I turned off Facebook, sat myself down at the computer, and started writing. One simple step. And voila! Here we are with a small, simple post in about ten minutes.
Change. It’s really not all that hard, even though we try to make it crazy difficult. If you want to change and don’t know how, then ask for help. If you’ve read all the way to here, however, you know my secret. Take one small step. Add one more. And another. You've achieved change in action!
Wishing you a day filled with the change of your choice!!
Start your year and learn to take steps YOUR way with Live it to Give it: essential practices of soul nourishment and self-care - available in self-study or one-on-one with me!! It's the best gift possible to the best recipient ever - YOU!!! Live it! Give it!
Reader Comments (2)
Kayce - Exactly! Creating change in ourself or change in the world begins with a single step. I tell my clients that changing the world is really a simple recipe with four ingredients: A vision (or a leader), a tribe, communication and action. Thanks for cracking me up today too!
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment here, Denise!! You've got a great recipe there!! xo