On approaching destinations unknown

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
“Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire.”
John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us
This past weekend I had the privilege and pleasure of facilitating an amazing group of women in a day retreat. My photographer husband, Bill Hughlett, and life coach, Amy Steindler and I offered Snapshot: Creating Vision in Your Life. It was a beautiful success. In our time together, we, as a group, combined writing prompts and photography with deep reflection and conversation.
The biggest thrill for me was seeing how the participants immersed themselves into the material and opened up to new awakenings within themselves. A glorious byproduct of my group facilitator role is that I sometimes have the opportunity to join in the exercises. Even though I’ve helped create them and have a hint of where we may be going, I am often surprised by what comes out of my own exploration.
As I was reading over my own reflections, my heart whispered for me to bring this one to greater light. Today I share one of the writings from Saturday alongside a photo also taken on that day…
Though my destination is not clear,
I choose to keep taking steps forward.
Some are the breadth of a snail’s shell.
Others feel like giant Mother-May-I leaps,
but I do not stop to ask my mother’s permission or my father’s.
I pause and listen to my own heart.
I see how it is in sync with the world around me.
Trilling cicadas,
Lapping waves on the shore,
A call to lay my head down and rest.
I move with intention.
I pause.
I deliberate,
But mainly I listen.
I wait for a break in the waves,
and if it does not come, I allow myself
to be soaked and immersed in the moment.
Gritty sand,
Briny salt,
Bracing wind,
Refreshing water.
I hold my breath until my lungs scream, “No More!”
And then I release and let go.
Tears mix with salt water,
Heaving chest pulls my belly toward
Raucous fits of laughter.
I pause. I wait.
Though my destination is not clear,
I know I will arrive
one wave,
one step,
at a time.
How do you approach destinations unknown? How will you unfurl yourself into the grace of new beginning? I invite you to ponder this today. Consider doing a 5-10 minute free-write and/or take a few snapshots of your life.
If you have a group that you think would benefit from a "Snapshot" workshop, please contact me at kayce@kaycehughlett.com. Have prompts, will travel.
Are you curious about learning new ways of being in the world? Then consider joining Sharon Richards and me for our next Urban Pilgrimage: Where Soul Greets Soul in Paris, France.
We just opened a brand new set of dates, May 9 - 16, 2015. Experience the joy of being present to yourself in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We promise, you've never seen Paris (or yourself) like this!!!
My signature self-care and soul nourishment class, Live it to Give it, is available online. Start the new season with intention!! Details here. Self-study only $95. Kickstart your life today!
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