Live it to Give it Interview with Wizard of AHz Shelby Duckworth

facilitated by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
The Two "Lucy's" I absolutely love doing these interviews where the only criteria is that the subject is someone who inspires me. Today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Shelby Duckworth—friend, entrepeneur, avid reader, and Wizard of AHz. Shelby always has a positive word to say and brightens my world daily even though we live hundreds of miles apart. See for yourself just how much a duck is worth. Answer: LOTS!
Kayce: Whenever I think of you, Shelby, I think “shiny”! Do you have a favorite “shiny” reading from As I Lay Pondering?
Shelby: Until you asked, I never thought about a ‘favorite.’ I have been inspired by many of the readings and this question gave me a wonderful opportunity to explore the book focused on finding a favorite – it wasn’t easy but it was fun! There are 2 readings that are very special to me. The first is June 2 – Dragonfly Wisdom and then June 1st Compassion Begins with Me. I think it’s interesting that they are side-by-side in the book!
Kayce: I love the serendipity of how things landed together in the book and each person has the choice to see things in their own light. Say more about your experience, please...
Shelby: The reading at the top of my list is Dragonfly Wisdom. The reason it got first place is, I was there to experience this phenomena. The message from the dragonflies was a confirmation to me from the universe that what was happening to me during the workshop was real – an affirmation that something bigger was indeed involved. Little did I know at the time how brilliant, beautiful and shiny my transformation was going to be and that these things were already within, all that needed to happen was the miracle that helped them unfold.
My second choice: June 1st – Compassion Begins with Me resonates with me as a continuation of Dragonfly Wisdom. A large part of my transformation was to learn how to forgive myself and others and to love myself. The realization that loving myself isn’t being arrogant it’s a requirement. I must love myself BEFORE I can really love anyone else. I love the activity at the end of the reading especially listing the things I find quirky and interesting about myself. Being asked to make this list helped me realize that there may be something interesting about me and that my quirky qualities are gifts that help make me unique and, yes, interesting.
Kayce: No doubt you are interesting, my dear!! I am fascinated with the uniqueness that each of us brings to the world and our innate ability to impact the world for good. So, please tell us… what is your super power and do you have a sidekick?
Shelby: One of the ways I impact the world for good is my ability to stay calm and always look for ‘another way’ of doing something or thinking about something. I have this innate ability to look at negative situations from different perspectives and help others do the same. It’s also my passion for the work I do passing that enthusiasm on to the people participating in the workshops we’ve designed. When I asked my daughter what she thought, she said it was my ability to treat everyone I meet the same – as if they were important and valued. My super power is the love I’m finding within and yes I do have a sidekick.
I think it’s funny that my sidekick is also a Lucy – only mine is Lucy from I Love Lucy. This sidekick was identified for me by a group of wonderful women in a workshop I attended – you’ll know the one {smile} At first I was mortified and couldn’t see it, but after sitting with the idea for a while I realized Lucy is a big part of who I am – it’s the part of me that likes to have fun, gets an idea and will jump in with both feet without thinking things through, is super creative, gets bored easily, likes variety and lots of adventure.
Kayce: We Lucy's must stick together! I love how you've named her as your sidekick!!
In closing, I’d love for you to tell the readers what live it to give it means to you?
Shelby: What Living it to give it means to me is Being what I want to see in the world. It’s living a life of purpose: To be the love I want to see in the world. To be the peace I want to see in the world. To be the joy, I want to see in the world – you get the picture {smile} It all starts with coming from a place of love – asking, “What would love do” ~ and then doing that.
Kayce: So beautiful. It feels like an expansion of Ghandi's wisdom. Fantastic!! Thank you so much for sharing with us both your words of shining wisdom and the bio below! xoxo
Shelby Duckworth - I’m certainly an entrepreneur. I am the President and Chief Inspiration Officer of AHz Learning Technologies Inc, a training design company I started with my sister in 1996. When my sister left the company in 2006, my daughter Jaylene joined me on this adventure. We have such fun and are very passionate about designing and delivering workshops that stretch the limits of learning to self-discovery, change and growth.
I am a student of A Course in Miracles and an avid reader. One of the joys in my life is the Book Club I founded in 2008 – I love the women in book club! I start almost every morning with meditation, studying A Course in Miracles, followed by my daily readings from the Science of Mind magazine, The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo and of course As I Lay Pondering. I will also have another spiritual or personal development book on the go. Currently, my favorite author is Robert Holden – I think EVERYONE should read Loveability!!!
One of my favorite things to do that some may think is kind of quirky, is that I absolutely love to hang clothes on the clothesline.
Here are some of my favorite links:

Reader Comments (6)
Perfect!!!!!! Wonderful interview and wonderful subject!!!!!!!! Pamela xoxox
Pamela - I have MISSED your comments very much!! Glad the subject enticed you back!! xoxoxo
Isnt my Aunt a lovely example of "BEAUTIFUL ALL AROUND, INSIDE AND OUT?" I just love her !!! Great interview ladies !!!! <3
Indeed she is, Theresa!! Thanks for reading and commenting!!! xoxo
So GLAD that both of you beautiful women LIVE IT and GIVE IT. :-) Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
Leslie Grace
Merci beaucoup, Leslie Grace!! à bientôt!! xoxo