#23 It'll Still Be There

by The IT!Girl - Adria Fox
Time is something you can’t get back
This holiday I need you to remember that
When your children are home during the holidays
And you’re telling them to go away just so you can work one more hour
Remember you don’t have the power to get time back
Time is something that keeps on ticking
This holiday I need you to remember that
When the phone rings and it’s your aunt who only calls this time of year
And you're busy, so you send the call to voicemail, just so you can feed your pets
Remember you may have lost your time to say I love you for the last time
Time is something that keeps on moving
This holiday I need you to remember that
When the door bell rings and it’s your neighbor from next door, who you think is such a bore, she’s always complaining about her old man
And you start to send her away because dinner's in just one hour
Remember when someone lent you his or her ear so you could live another year
Time is something that’s lost once it’s gone
This holiday I need you to remember that
When all the gifts are wrapped under the tree and you take a moment to breathe
Ask yourself one question, what did you do with your time this year
Remember time is something you can’t stop – but you can stop to
Play with your kids
Laugh about the good old days
Show others you care and lend your ear
Remember all that other stuff will still be there

You can find her of Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/omg.theitgirl
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