#22 Open to Inspiration

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
featuring special guest, Kanesha Baynard
Artists of Inspiration ;)One of the greatest things about inspiration is that you never know when or how it may show up. Nevertheless, we need to remember that an essential component to receiving inspiration is: We must be OPEN to it.
If you’re like me and have a tendency to want to get things right, consider this:Expecting things should look or be a certain way often gets in the way of practicing simplicity and creativity!
For example, when I designed the layout for this series, I decided I would personally offer the post each Monday. In my mind, I decided what it should look like—words of inspiration written by me. Period.
This past week, however, I was perusing my Twitter feed and WHAM! I was inspired by the amazing Kanesha Baynard with her Tweak it Tuesday video,“Dealing with Crowds & Long Lines.” In a moment, I knew she was who and how I wanted to feature this Monday. Kanesha is a genius when it comes to enjoying life and getting down to the nitty gritty of how to do it, and I’m delighted to share her with you! Lucky for us, I’ve learned to let go of at least some of my shoulds. {wink}
Click here for more fabulous inspiration from Kanesha!
Tips for here and now...
- Be open to inspiration
- Create time to simply be and explore
- Let go of expectations of what you think things should look like
- Simplify your creative process
- Receive inspiration from others
How will you open up to receive inspiration and let go of expectations?
Kanesha Baynard is a professional and personal certified life coach, educator, facilitator, blogger, and crafter.
As a recovering overachiever, Kanesha knows and understands the internal tensions that come up when a person’s core values are not aligned with the daily life they are living. www.boldlivingtoday.com
Kayce Stevens Hughlett is a self-proclaimed artist of being alive. Her passions include writing, speaking, lifestyle coaching, and taking groups for soul strolls in Paris. Her 2012 non-fiction book, As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life is a lyrical and lucid treasure that invites readers to new awakenings throughout the year. It’s a great holiday gift for yourself or others. Learn more about Kayce and her offerings at www.liveittogiveit.me.
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