Woohoo! Pondering Turns TWO!!!

Two years ago today, As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life was officially published! I still get all tingly when I see it in a bookstore or boldly staring at me from the Amazon.com page!
click image to connect with Pondering on FacebookMy hope is that Pondering has become a daily part of your routine. If not, today is a perfect day to begin!
You're invited to join in the celebration by leaving a comment, sharing this post on FB or Twitter or with your book club, favorite aunt, teacher… Let me know and I’ll enter you in the drawing for your own complimentary copy. Winner will be announced on February 3, 2014.
I love to share with you and hope you feel the same! Live it to give it, baby!!
My writing passions continue... I’ve been busy this month writing for A Sacred Journey where I am there pilgrim in residence. Pop on over for my latest posts (with #4 arriving this Thursday).

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