Creating Frameworks for Possibility

“The chances of each of us coming into existence are infinitesimally small, and even though we shall all die some day, we should count ourselves fantastically lucky to get our decades in the sun.” ~ Richard Dawkins
My friend and fellow coach, Amy Steindler, leads this week’s chapter of The Art of Possbility: Creating Frameworks for Possibility. I love how this book club helps each of us get the meatiest content out of each chapter. (Seriously, you don’t even have to read the book to be exposed to the good stuff! Check out our reading schedule here.)
The cool thing today was how Amy offered a perfect segue into my experience of preparing for and presenting a workshop over this past weekend. I feel like I’m supposed to say I “worked” over the holiday, but truthfully the time away was playful and oh so satisfying… and a side-benefit was that I also got paid to be there. How lucky am I?
Truth is we can all be “lucky” if we learn to listen to the still small voice that is unique to each one of us.
Today's question is how you or I can go about listening to ourselves and setting up a framework for possibility. When I read Amy’s blog post, I realized that the steps for life aren’t so different than the steps I used in creating and delivering my workshop. How we do one thing is how we do most things!
When we are faced with a challenging situation and our current way of doing, being, or thinking doesn’t seem to be creating our desired results, Rosamund and Ben Zander suggest we try these steps:
- · Make a new distinction in the realm of possibility: one that is a powerful substitute for the current framework of meaning that is generating the downward spiral.
- · Enter the territory. Embody the new distinction in such a way that it becomes the framework for life around you.
- · Keep distinguishing what is “on the track” and what is “off the track” of your framework for possibility.
I had a fabulous opportunity to practice these steps as I facilitated the two-day workshop with a new, unfamiliar, and large group. During the days preceding, I found my realm of possibility feeling somewhat limited as a downward spiral of unhelpful thoughts ran rampant through my mind. "What if they don't like me? What if I suck? What if no one comes or they walk out? What if....?"
It became clear that I needed a new realm of possibility (i.e. one that encouraged rather than deflated or panicked me). Once I named this distinction, I flowed onward to step 2 and embodied it.
Entering the territory, reminds me of a couple of things: 1) It’s important to remember that I can do (and have done) this work beautifully in the past; and 2) by stepping into my personal vision which includes offering an open invitation and inspiration for each of us to create and live our own best lives, I know that the only thing I can do in any given situation is be Me… (& being the most authentic Me always moves me closer to a place of peace and contentment).
In this situation, keeping on track wasn't about sticking to a rigid agenda or outline, but rather remembering who I am and what I wanted to accomplish in any given moment... My vision is about connection and in order to connect with others I first have to connect to myself, so when I started to “spiral downward” I slowed my pace, took a breath, and invited myself back on track... Invitation and inspiration… and in this process others felt inspired and safe to do the same.
Bottom line, it was a glorious weekend. By creating a framework of possibility, creativity, joy, and transformation were able to flow freely. As I practiced stepping into my own authenticity, others beautifully stepped into theirs'. 'Lucky me?' You bet!!
What framework will you create today? Wishing you an abundance of 'luck' and possibility!! Give me a shout if I can help you get there!

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