Journey of the Heart

"And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our feet, and learn to be at home."
Wendell Berry
It's hard to believe yesterday morning I awoke in Vienna and today I am tucked safely inside my Seattle home. True, the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, but... I never cease to be amazed at the wonders that unfold when I choose to open my heart and let a foreign land enter my soul.
When I arrived in Vienna just two weeks ago, it was a city I had given little previous thought. Unlike Paris, it had not spoken to me throughout the years by seductively whispering, "Come visit. Come visit." Still, I leapt at the call to share a pilgrimage of the heart with my dear friend, Christine Valters Paintner, and the city she adores... and I must declare that I have been infinitely blessed by the resulting experience(s).
Vienna is a subtle mistress. She does not woo with the Eiffel Tower or the glistening Seine. Instead, she greets you with her surprisingly gentle German language and awe-inspiring architecture that wows at every turn. She tugs at your heart through the clip clop of horses' hooves and singing church bells. Her inhabitants include kind-hearted people, proud hooded crows, and angels in every shape and form.
Today I find myself embracing jet lag and filled with a sense of gratitude for this surprising life I've come to lead. Ten years ago I acquired my very first passport. Five years ago I embarked on my long-dreamed-of trip to Paris. Two years ago I stated this wildly impossible dream...
If I knew I couldn't fail, I would offer wildly simple and luscious retreats in fabulous places--Australia, France, Egypt--taking men and women on intentional journeys to discover themselves while being present to the world around them. (As a child, I always did get Austria and Australia confused ;-)
...and now it has come true!
Last Friday as we celebrated our closing pilgrimage rituals, I was struck by the reality that dreams really do come true and anything is possible!! Witnessing our brave band of pilgrims encountering their own firsts was a profound privilege and a distinct reminder of the power to trust, risk, and remember where we've been.
I've returned home to my furry kitty, my raucous family, and springtime bursting right alongside my very full heart. I have much unpacking to do both literally and emotionally in the days to come. In the meantime, it feels important to honor the fulfillment of a dream and simply be present to right now... arriving at the ground of my feet.
What dreams are calling you? Where will your journey of today lead?
Please feel free to contact me if I can assist you in realizing your dreams. I'd love to journey alongside you!!

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