A Pilgrim's "Closing" Thoughts

"I remembered that the real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, sensations and excitements, awaited those who had the courage to go forth into its expanse." Charlotte Bronte from "Jane Eyre"
This last day of official pilgrimage my inner sovereign has begged for a slower rhythm and the wish that the kingdom will run smoothly on its own.
I am grateful for a long, satisfying nap with the sounds of the city and cooing pigeons outside my window. I am ready to snuggle with Aslan (my cat) and hear the sounds of my own neighborhood. I want to take the pilgrim spirit home with me. I am grateful for a hearty band of pilgrims who have risked much to walk alongside us on this journey.
Contemplative Crow ©kshI am awed by the hooded crows and how they hold their heads high. I am humbled by my own humanity. I'm fascinated by the "squabbits" we saw at Schoenbrunn Palace—fiery red creatures that look like squirrels with rabbit ears.
I am grateful for a meal in and closing rituals. I am curious how my trip will unpack when I return home.
Right now I feel a pull to become the monk and hole up inside my cloister with simple food and my journal.
I want to find a rhythm that crosses space and time.

Reader Comments (2)
"I want to find a rhythm that crosses space and time." Wow. This is a lot -- a beautiful lot -- to think about
Indeed - it is a "beautiful lot" to ponder!! Thx for commenting, Betsy!! xo