Lizard Moment(s)

One evening while accompanying my husband on a photo shoot into the desert, I perched myself upon a boulder and peacefully listened to the silence surrounding me. A very slight movement caught my eye and I realized I was not alone on my rock. My hubby chuckled at the ensuing conversation with my reptilian friend. Then upon our flight home, he handed me the following poem which I only wish I'd written myself as it captures both the lizard and me perfectly!
my little buddy from catalina state park - tucson
A lizard does not make a sound,
it has no song,
it does not share my love affairs
with flannel sheets,
bearded men, interlocking
silver rings, the moon,
the sea, or ink.
But sitting here in the afternoon,
I’ve come to believe
we do share a love affair
and a belief—
in wink, blink, stone,
and heat.
Also, air.
This is not a fable,
nor is it bliss.
remember this.

Reader Comments (1)
Love the poem AND the lizard experience photo:)