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From FREE to France… All Fabulous!!!

Tis the season of giving and looking toward the New Year. In the spirit of sharing peace, love, joy, and inspiration, I decided to list my current and upcoming offerings all in one place. Easy to peruse. Easy to choose!Easy to help you plan!

From a free peek into my book, As I Lay Pondering, to a tour of France and everything in between. All Fun! All Fabulous!!
I am so grateful for each person who stops here to read and share the wonders of life with me! Happy Holidays! Joyeux Noelle. Feliz Navidad. Joyous New Year!!
In honor of its second birthday, I am giving away the "advance preview" document for As I Lay Pondering. All you need do to receive it is fill out the following form and wait for it to arrive in your inbox. Super simple!

Sign Up & Receive a Free Month of Pondering

* indicates required



Until December 31, 2013, my signature online spiritual direction and coaching program, Live it to Give it is on sale for $55 off.  

How often do you ask yourself the question: What do I need and truly listen for the answer?
Do you succumb to society's rules of what you "should" be doing rather than trusting your own instincts? 

Would you like to have a companion and accountability partner to help you live life your way? 

live it to give it offers sustainable answers and creative solutions!
Designed for individuals interested in deepening their personal awareness and practices for self-care. Read on for more details.
A Day of Writing and SoulCollage® - Seattle

I am excited and delighted to invite you to a workshop I'm helping create and co-facilitate next month (January, 2014). It will be a casual, creative day, combining writing and SoulCollage®---two of my favorite ways to relax and play. All I need now are a few more playmates. 

I hope you'll consider coming. It will be a wonderful way to nourish yourself in the new year! 

Here's the scoop:  

Sunday January 12, 2014 

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

 $100 includes lunch and snacks                        

Limited to 12 participants
Contact me @ to register

I'll be speaking at Seattle University's outstanding Search for Meaning Book Festival. My topic:
The Art of Pondering: playing your way to passion and presence.

Coming Home to the Body: 
A Women's Journey toward Contemplative Embodiment (Online)

January 1 - March 1, 2014 with Christine Valters Paintner, PhD and 8 fabulous guest teachers (one of them being yours truly) 

A beautiful class for beautiful women. Click here to learn more or to sign up. 



And last, but certainly not least... PARIS

One spot available. May 10-17, 2014. Join Sharon Richards and me as we explore and delight in The City of Lights. Details Here.

"Paris is always a good idea." Audrey Hepburn


Need I say more?? I hope you'll be able to join me for one or more of these fabulous, fun experiences!! Share the love!!!


References (2)

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  • Response
    Response: 42nd Street Photo
    Kayce Hughlett - diamonds in the sky with lucy - From FREE to France… All Fabulous!!!
  • Response
    Response: halloween edm mix
    Kayce Hughlett - live it to give it_blog - From FREE to France… All Fabulous!!!

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