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Living at the Edge… or a few more reasons I love Paris

I do my best work when I hang out at my edgenot beyond it.

Susan Hyatt

Paris is an “edge” for me.

I don’t really know the language, but I’m trying and getting more comfortable each day. I keep putting myself into situations that challenge me... like finding new places, eating in nice restaurants alone, and shopping in boutiques when I only sort of know the shopping lingo and sizing structure.

There are those places in the world that make one’s soul come alive; that whisper through the cobblestones and wink through the sunlight in the trees. Paris is that place for me.

On this day, my soul has danced through the pathway of des promenade plantée and frolicked with the sweet song of Notre Dame. I have dined on fine food and sipped champagne by the Seine.

My heart sings and my head bows in prayer as I light a candle at St. Joan d’Arc. Sweet music strums on the bridge of Ile St. Louis as I drop my coins in the cup—barely enough for such a moving concert.

I am warm, cozy, and grateful.

Blessed are this day and city that invite my heart to dance in the most surprising ways.

Merci beaucoup, Paris. Je taime. Thank you for inviting me to live at my edge.

Where or how are you being called to dance at your edge? 

Reader Comments (4)

I love hearing about your travel adventures, Kayce.

Playing to my edge, lately, has been taking speaking gigs that thrill and terrify me at the same time. I love the personal and professional growth in all of it.

November 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKanesha Baynard

Your edge sounds wonderful.. My edge is realizing my true potential as an artist.....all heady adventuring, endeavoring to discover who we are and who we want to be:) xo

November 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDianna

Kanesha - I'm so delighted to have you comment here! Love love love that you're doing the speaking gigs! They, too, are a part of my edge. Three themes keep coming up for me: travel, write, speak!!! xoxo

November 18, 2013 | Registered CommenterKayce S Hughlett

Dianna - you know I adore watching you come up and bubble over your artistic edge!! Indeed it is all "heady adventuring"!! xoxoxo

November 18, 2013 | Registered CommenterKayce S Hughlett

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