Hesitation and Cursing Seth Godin

“I wonder why anyone would hesitate to be generous with their writing.” Seth Godin
Damn you, Seth Godin! Your quote has been haunting me ever since I read it for the first time several days ago. Since then I’ve gone back to it multiple times... even highlighted it in my journal, so that it now jumps out like a beacon every time I flip through the pages to see what I might like to share with the world.
Okay... I apologize Seth (if I may I call you Seth). Cursing you may have been a bit harsh, but in a warped kind of way it’s a high form of flattery. However that works, I know I must take full responsibility for my own actions. Damn it!!
Why would I hesitate to be generous? Pure and simple? FEAR. Inside me there’s a terrified and scared person (who resides right alongside the brave and cursing one). Fear keeps me from being generous not only in my writing, but in other areas of life as well. For example, this morning my daughter asked to borrow a pair of yoga pants from me. I have plenty of pairs, so why wouldn’t I be generous? Same answer. Fear. Afraid she might not return them or she’d ruin them or maybe she’ll look better in them than I do... believe me, if I let my mind run with even this silly example we could be here for a while.
With Seth’s quote in my mind, however, I turned down the ridiculous fear factor and offered her two pair while resisting any urge to be niggardly and add, “You know these are mine, right?” (A much more pleasant outcome – I must admit).
When it comes to writing I’m scared of being judged or misunderstood... misquoted or mistaken for being, saying, or doing something I didn’t intend to be, say, or do. And when I listen to the naysayers in my head, I keep my words and myself hidden in an attempt to play it “safe”. (Ugh. I find myself choking on that icky notion when I see it in black and white). Curses to playing it safe!!
Because where does ‘safe’ leave me? Silent. Stingy. Afraid and Alone with only the words in my head.
Alone with only the words in my head. Now that is a TERRIFYING thought!! I am a writer. It’s taken me years to confidently put that in black and white. No doubt there are critics who might dispute whether or not I’m a “good” writer, but the sheer act of putting words on the page (i.e. writing) does in fact make me a writer!! But I digress...
I am a writer. I have lots to say. Not everyone will agree with my point of view, but some may actually love what I have to say. It’s not for me to judge or figure out. It’s only for me to write. To engage in the act that makes my heart simultaneously sing, race and dance.
Thanks, Seth. (Sorry I cursed you.) We are in total agreement on this one...
“For me, the privilege of being generous is why I get to do this.” Seth Godin
So readers beware... this is just the warm up act. I’ll be back later with the “good” stuff, because this girl has been doing a LOT of pondering lately!!
Ponder this: Where do you hesitate to be generous? Why?
Reader Comments (3)
We ('we' meaning writers) are all afraid of being judged or misunderstood! I think, in a way, that is exactly why we write--we have the chance to choose every word, sculpt every sentence in an attempt to get exactly what we want to say out there in the world. But the truth is that after all that crafting, our words often become so precious to ourselves that we run the risk of magnifying our fear of judgment (after all, what we write is our 'baby' and what is more fearful than subjecting your baby to the judgment of the world?) I've been trying to 'fix' a story for the last 3 weeks because I felt I should 'play it safe' with that story; I don't want someone to think poorly of me, or think about me as an extension of the story. No! The story is what it is and the characters are who they are. Being generous with our writing is about being generous to our own creativity--let the story become what it is and the hell with my fear of the opinions and false conceptions!
This is a dandy post! Fear, fear, fear.......I've been feeling so brave about my spring event and got a punch in the tummy this evening. Argh! We'll talk! xo
bravo, peggy! i'd love to take a peek at that little baby of yours!! ;-) xo