An End of Year Message for YOU

When all else fails... return to gratitude.
I cannot begin to adequately express where my thoughts lie today. Reflections buzzing. Nap calling. Planning beckoning. New ideas bursting forth. Movies to see. Family to love. Writing. Reading. Resting. And on and on it goes. The words will not come and they will not stop. So, for now... for today... in this moment... when clarity fails... I choose to return to the great stabilizer—Gratitude.
Today I am grateful for this space to express my words... for you the reader... for things that have come to pass in 2012 and that which is still to arrive in 2013. There are boundless projects, posts, and ponderings bubbling in my contemplative mind... much of which I hope to share with you soon. In the meantime, I reach for stability—for gratitude—and wish you blessings on the new year and thanks for the part you’ve played in my life during 2012 (...and do not doubt that even if you’re an anonymous participant on this sight, your presence is acknowledged and appreciated!)
Happy New Year... with Love & Gratitude!!!
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