Pondering... 30 in 30 - Day 29
"Why is it when you try to pass that guy in front steps on the gas?" -- Burma Shave
I tried to ponder about Burma Shave... I really did. I even looked up Burma to see if that would inspire me. It's a republic in southeast Asia. How and why would an aftershave be named after that? Perhaps a little more pondering is in order, but frankly my dear, I don't give a hoot. I'm pushing pondering here and that's no fun for anyone. Methinks it's time to declare this enough. Sometimes pondering prefers to pass...
Post inspired (or not) by Sunrise Sister.
Diamonds in the Soul - helping high-functioning, under-living people recover and nourish personal delight & joy in life.
Reader Comments (1)
Oh, those signs. They used to be so prominent when I was a child. Seeing them and laughing made car travel so much easier.