Pressing the Sanity Button

Returning home from a couple of weeks of travel and even more of summer activities that have kept me away from the computer, I turned to my blog reader, noted the number of unread posts, hyperventilated for a moment and then pressed "mark all read." Relief ensued, but not so fully that I wanted to leave my action unmarked.
I hate to miss out on the life events and words others so carefully craft and share at their own blog sites. However - I must continue to practice maintaining personal sanity, and pressing "mark all read" was the answer today.
I know you will be gracious with my action, and I invite you to leave me a comment and link if there's something you're particularly proud of or think lucy really needs to know!!
Do tell - What does your sanity button look like?
©h3images photo - Maui, 2010

Reader Comments (9)
Oh, I've got lots of sanity buttons :)
When I'm REALLY pushing into insanity, I go and climb into bed. That's a rather delightful sort of a one :) Or I curl up on the couch with a blanket. Just general regression.
But the best sanity button is flowing through into a blank page, a blank screen, some sculptable clay, a meditation session, a bunch of yoga asanas :)
I've not clicked on my unread posts yet - I turned the priority on clearing my head with a good yoga session, a power nap (20 minutes) and a stability ball class this afternoon....oh and a board meeting, little grocery shopping, laundry, and food prep and a post this evening! It's been a great day here and I hope for you too:)))
I had to do the same when I was away for 5 days. It's ok. The world hasn't stopped.
Ever since Lent, I have dropped a lot of subscriptions. When I leave for any length of time, I close everything and reopen upon my return.
I find that my older friends, in their late 70s and 80s, feel overwhelmed by their e-mails. When younger they subscribed to a lot of stuff. As their mind disengages, the flow becomes too much.
I have heard of a woman who stopped her e-mail entirely for two weeks. I don't believe she ever returned to the way it was before.
Something to try maybe.
Lucy - How to engage again after the busy days of summer. My poor mind is wondering of that just for itself much less everyone else too.
I have this little alarm inside me -- sort like belling the cat ;) -- anyway, when it starts to vibrate annoyingly, I know there is something I must turn off. I felt that irritation a few weeks ago and made the move out of a situation that was getting to me. I haven't regretted it a moment since. I even feel happier and more energetic. So go ahead and push your sanity button, lucy. We all gradually learn what we are really here for and it isn't what we think it is.
Very dry Grey Goose martini, well shaken, sipped slowly, slowly, slowly.
sue - your sanity buttons sound like most of my absolute favorites!!
SS - many great days since returning from okc. this summer is a special one for friends and family - that's for sure!!!
maureen - i've pretty much decided if there's something i absolutely need to know, it will show up in its own time and way... without apocolypse :-)
claire - i seem to constantly be in the process of simplifying to make room for what seems most important at the time. not yet ready to chuck my e-mail and correspondence with the larger world via internet... but pushing "delete" occasionally can be quite satisfying!!
jennifer - my hope is to stay as engaged as possible to today. summer definitely has its own rhythm and benefits - they just look a lot different for me. you too, perhaps?
barbara - i love your comment here and couldn't agree more. like i indicated to jennifer, it's finding our rhythm wherever we are - even when it looks different from what we may have planned.
CP - you have such a way of cutting through the BS - glad you're savoring those martinis :-)