Letting Go - Ritual

Ritual Saturday. A walk to the beach to celebrate letting go of vestiges of 2009, and to unite fire and water. My heart says to let go with fire (not of it), knowing that fire and water will both work to purify me in the coming year.
I begin today’s journey at the top of 300 stairs. Each step down a reminder to let go, until I finally reach the beach. It is windy and cold – not quite deserted. My first moments, I find sea glass – a rarity on this stretch of sand.
A small sailboat races across the Sound. “You are the boat. Life is the sea.” The sails are at full tilt. Shall I move head first into the year? A giant piece of ancient roots sits like a sentinel in the sand. It is the focus of my attention – grounded and solid.
Continuing down the beach, I seek a fire pit to burn my list of good-bye’s. I know my matches will not take hold in this mighty wind. My lone fire will not be enough. How can I burn my list? I need fire to let go. Spying a family gathered around a flame, I understand I can ask for help. I don’t have to do everything alone. Fire is meant to be shared. Someone else can help warm me.
“May I feed your fire?”
“Of course,” they respond. And so I drop my list of good-byes into the pit. It doesn’t light at first. I feel silly for a moment – old judgments stir inside my gut. The man tells me it is an “inherited” fire, left by someone who came to burn a Christmas tree. The flame is being passed. My list crinkles at the edges, bursts into flame and then it is gone – just like that. I thank them. They thank me and I realize how deeply we have shared without full explanation or many words at all.
As I walk away, there is a tugging in my heart. Did I expect to feel lighter? I have let go and now I feel a little shaky and not sure what to do next. So, I head back toward the stairs, but first I must pass through the tunnel under the railroad tracks – retracing my steps. My shakiness dissipates as I witness what is before me in mosaic-form– fire and water together. It is a sign to me that I don’t have to give up one to receive the other. I can have them both.
But, just in case my thick head won’t remember and forgets too quickly, there is another gift on the wall. “May your soul always be on fire.” I am overwhelmed by the welcoming of the Universe – God surrounding me. I am the boat and life is the sea. We are in this together.
One foot in front of the other, I begin the climb back up the steps. Step. Receive. Breathe. Step. Receive. Breathe. Upward and onward into the year. Fire inside. Moist air surrounding. Solid ground beneath my feet.
all photos taken Saturday, January 2, 2010 © lucy

Reader Comments (12)
Lucy - Wonderful to remember we can ask for help and that we're not alone in this life. I loved this walk on the beach, as well as the steps!
That is a lesson I humbly learned in 2009 ~ that I can, and sometimes must, ask for help.
My soul is on fire, in so many ways. Sometimes the flames burn too fiercely.
Reading this, I felt as though I were there. A wonderful post. Thank you.
The images are beautiful, too. I especially like the image with the old log/roots.
Kayce, This is so profound and beautiful! But so simple in the most ordinary and holy way. What a blessing walk that was! May each step this year find you amazed by at least as many signs that the universe loves you. Shalom, Laura
The universe will always reflect back to us, encouraging us, giving us the signs we need. I am in awe of your sharing of this beautiful moment, and in awe reading this after just finishing my own post entitled "Release." I have never felt so enlivened by a new year--I feel the unwanted things beginning to drop away as I embrace the desired. And I am so amazed that so many other wonderful women seem to be doing that same thing, right now.
Beau--ti--ful!! Precious...
Thank you.
I feel privileged to have been able to walk alongside you. My first impulse is to wish there was a beach near me with such ability to enlighten and guide, such attractive graffiti! But there is, if only I open my eyes and go for a walk.
Your post reminded me of walks along the coast in Massachusetts, at a nature reserve. I used to bless myself with the water after praying for a friend whose ashes were scattered off the Cape. Another letting go ...
Don't you love it when the Lord talks to you in the way that only he knows you'll get. I love it. Your walk was a special time...one for your memory book. Happy 2010. Fair Winds and Calm Seas..Deborah Leon www.mermaidspurseseaglass.com
So many beautiful messages for you. And they are all around for each of us. If we look. Blessings on your journey in 2010.
Lucy, as always, thank you for sharing your experience. You do this so openly and I receive it as a gift!
The words 'May your soul always be onfire" feel very meaningful to me. My own soul feels like it has been smoldering for years but has now been fanned to a much bigger and brighter flame. My commitment for the year is to keep feeding, and encouraging the flame to create a great light.
Blessings to you for the gifts you give dear friend.
oh wow! so many wonderful comments and i'm just now getting back to you...
SS - it's becoming a nice pattern of taking walks together this year. eventually we'll get to do it in person! xoxo
tinkerbell - i know what you mean about those hot burning flames. for me, it sounds like a cool dip of water is in order for the year.
maureen - that log was what drew me onto the beach. i'll be curious to go back and see if it's still there!
laura - thank you for your beautiful words of shalom.
karen - can't wait to take a little time and read your post. i am so delighted that you, too, are feeling enlivened. it's a wonderful energy to share!!
claire - you are most welcome. thank you!!
barbara - this beach is less than two miles from my home and i often forget it's there. i plan to change that this year. the image of blessing yourself with the water is profound - perhaps an inclusion for my next beach ritual.
mermaids purse - welcome to diamonds. i look forward to visiting your place.
rebecca - missed you! may we each walk through the year with open eyes!
kate i - i facilitated a group yesterday on "gifts and blessings", so it is very special to receive your kind words. sending warm embers your way & sharing the light! xox
LostArt - long time, no see. awesome to have you here!!!