I asked for a single word. I got a whole theme.

It’s really a misnomer to say that I “choose” the word, because in reality, each time, the word has come to find me. This year has been no different as the word started noticeably washing over me during my pilgrimage to Ireland.
As 2009 headed to a close, the hints became more prevalent. I was noticing quotes* in doctor’s offices and strangers were recommending books for me to read. In my observant style, I wrote down the quotes, listened to the signs and bought the books. I played with the words in my mind, but THE word did not seem to want to show itself. Finally, the theme became crystal clear as I read this post on making espresso. Was I "strong enough to stand up to the pressure, but resilient enough to let the water pass through evenly"? I knew I could resist no more. And still, I resisted.
You see, I loved my word for last year: FIRE! It was indeed a year of burning flames, hearts bursting open and projects ablaze. I’m still reveling in my acquaintance with St. Brigid of Kildare who I encountered while in Ireland. She is most often shown with flame in hand and is known for her hospitality and celebrating the ordinary. She is a woman on fire.
So, with all of these flames and fire, I was a bit chagrined to learn that my theme for this year is… WATER. Nothing like a burst of H2O to put a damper on a good flame, huh? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am already embracing this new theme…slowly. However, it feels important to share my own resistance in letting go of the heat of 2009.
Appropriately, it has been a very wet day here as the calendar turns to 2010. It is a new decade and instead of a word, I have a full-blown theme. (I have also considered whether or not I may be working my way through the elements.) Regardless, WATER (with all of it's fluidity & flow) ought to keep me busy for awhile!
So, there it is. I have officially passed from the element of fire into the new year of WATER. Do you feel called to take on a similar practice of asking for a word? Abbey of the Arts gives a beautiful history of the origin and her own word of the year (along with a great giveaway.) Become Inspired with Kate Iredale as she shares her own word. I’m certain there are more around the internet and I look forward to nurturing each other as we embrace who we are to be in this coming year! So, what's your word?

Reader Comments (20)
Being born astrologically under a water sign, I love your word for the year. It just has so many possibilities to ponder (reflect??) and sit with. And interesting that you do seem to have an elemental theme going on :)
I do like your word for 2010. Interesting, the elemental theme you got going on.
discipline ... authentic ... healing
those are my words for 2010.
i believe you are resilient enough :)
may the cool spring bring refreshment for your spirit
the word that has chosen me is
I like this, it seems a continuation. Fire and water both cleanse, and although fire seems stronger, we allow water in where fire cannot go.
COURAGE is my 2010 word.
thanks for sharing your word and the droplets you followed to find it... one at a time, slowly witnessing.
eveline - i am actually an "earth" sign astrologically speaking, so am very curious about these other two showing up... indeed there are oceans to reflect upon ;-)
tinkerbell - those are some powerful words you've got going for 2010!
tess - beautiful reflections on the two elements. you're right, i do see fire as stronger AND what do you use to put out a raging fire? LOTS of pondering going on here!! xo
hmmbrd - that is a fabulous word that has found you this year... i believe it began pre-new year, huh?
I love meditating on fire and water together, and have for years, ever since a) I (a water sign) was married to a fire sign, and b) I studied the Tarot and alchemy.
In alchemy, fire mixed with water transforms to create spiritual power. In fact, the marriage of fire and water is thought to produce Air.
In physical reality, fire plus water creates steam, which can power many things.
If you haven't already seen it, I recommend the movie, Joe Vs. The Volcano for some wonderful plays on the fire/water theme.
I think the ultimate reason fire/water meditation appeals to me so much is because it's all about paradox and mystery.
I really like the "word for the year" concept. I think mine is "Love" for 2010.
I am a water sign for both sun and moon, so water is definitely my element (rising sign is earth, my second favorite).
That resistance is such a sure sign of something juicy working its way through you. Looking forward to see what emerges from the vast beautiful ocean that is you. :-) xoxox
Lucy - Why am I not surprised to have a word present itself to me this a.m. when I've been "working so hard" to find one? Mine is not WATER - but I figure since yours IS, that I'll probably be "splashed" some also:)More on my word probably tomorrow:)
i'm glad my post on coffee helped confirm your word :)
i was delighted to discover a sculpture confirming mine
polli - what great offerings you bring here re: fire and water! the alchemy of it all is really fascinating. i saw joe & the volcano years ago, but have added it back onto my 'view' list for 2010. i'm certain i will have a very different perspective this time.
"love" is always a great choice!!
C - you Watery woman you! yes, the resistance is really an interesting twist for this year.
the metaphors alone could keep me swimming for quite some time :-)
SS - look forward to seeing what you dive into for the year :-) i thought of you this morning on my walk and wondered if your word might find you when you stopped trying... yep, you will most definitely get splashed by this one!!
kel - sculptures and pucks - who knows where and how those words will show up?
Ever since I read and responded to this post, the fire/water theme has been coming up everywhere!
I read T.S. Eliot's "Little Gidding" for the first time today:
"Water and fire succeed
The town, the pasture and the weed.
Water and fire deride
The sacrifice that we denied.
Water and fire shall rot
The marred foundations we forgot,
Of sanctuary and choir,
This is the death of water and fire."
Thanks Lucy...my word for 2010 is Reflections...
I love your blog...
pollinatrix - wow! if the whole year is like this, i am going to be on fire and water overload!!! i'm going to have to ponder eliot a while longer. thanks for passing along the stream.
annie - what a beautiful word for the year. thank you so much for sharing and visiting diamonds!!
I love your selection of water. It is a fascinating element for me -- so fluid that it passes through your fingers, so strong that it can erode rocks.
My word, as you know, is joy. There is a line in a Ferlinghetti poem about waiting for a rebirth of wonder (I think it was Ferlinghetti, at least). I await a rebirth of joy.
barbara - i think i really have some judgments about water and often think of it as "wishy washy". it will definitely be an interesting year for me, because i, too, see the strength that erodes rocks.
and ah, ferlinghetti - i discovered him while in paris. i think we've all witnessed a hint of your "rebirth of joy" with the coming of your furry boys. may it continue. may it continue.
I happened upon this in my morning devotions and of course had to share it with you:
"When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze."
~Isaiah 43:2
pollinatrix - thank you for this fabulous and perfect sharing. i am going to post it over at 'lucy creates' where i am gathering things like this for my year of water :-) i love it!!!
Oh good!
I meant to ask you a while ago - do you know the song, "Diamonds on the Inside" by Ben Harper?
Pollinatrix - yes, i do know "diamonds on the inside." thanks for the reminder. i'm listening to it right now.