Party of the Heart

“We have to create and discover the parties of the heart, the place where we know we can enjoy what is, and that we have indeed survived and even flourished another day of our one and only life. Just make sure you are somewhere, and always, definitively in love! Then you'll see rightly, because only when we are in love can we accept the mystery that almost everything is.” --Richard Rohr
Listening to: Dance me to the End of Love by Leonard Cohen
A glorious few days. A party of the heart. Working. Loving. Laughing. Creating. Watching the rain fall. Listening to music fall into place. Working alongside Bill. Walking with friends. Chatting with my sister. Picking silly songs. Writing. Collaging. Meeting Norah. Finding compassion for myself and others. Life is indeed a party of the heart if we allow the music in.
Life is full these days. My transitions of the past have opened the doors to my future. My now. These are the words I have today. Fullness is here and now. More awaits outside my door and through my window. The eyes of my heart long to put feet on my faith. Wishing you a blessed day.
"God is not a being. God is being itself." --Richard Rohr

Reader Comments (13)
Well, Richard Rohr, Leonard Cohen and you - three of my favourite people combined in one post, how wonderful! And wonderful to read about your heart's party.
thanks, tess. i think, in no small way, you helped introduce me to both of these amazing gentlemen. you're quite the little matchmaker, huh? :-) xoxo
Your exuberant post reminded me of something I copied out into my commonplace book many years ago. It is from Brother Roger of the Taize community in France. he wrote Festival is a small field that each of us has to cultivate within himself [sic], a tiny playground for exercising freedom and spontaneity. ... In every man [sic] lies a zone of solitude that no human intimacy can fill and there God encounters us. There, in that depth, is set the intimate festival of the risen Christ. He writes how this festival sings out in a person, does not violate another's freedom, but instead consents to their creativity. Elsewhere he writes: Festival re-surfaces even at moments when we scarcely know what is happening to us, even in our hardest trial... The heart is broken but not hardened: it begins to live anew.
Sounds like you are living that festival of the soul, lucy. Party on!
barbara--thank you for that glorious quote!! festival indeed...i shall have to spend some more time luxuriating in those words that feel so true. peace to you and the boys!!
"The eyes of my heart long to put feet on my faith."
I kind of understand, but then I don't. I see you as the messenger of the Gods, with tiny wings on his/your feet. Tell me more please, what is "feet on my faith."
you just blessed and brighten my day with these very positive words
kigen--for me it (putting feet to my faith) represents sharing, walking, dancing, moving with my faith and not sitting in a stagnant place or keeping it all to myself.
carmen--i, too, am blessed by your sharing here. thank you.
I love this post. Blessed love to you.
I'm happy for you--my soul needed some exuberance today!
Good job here - you seem to have raised all of our spirits:)
speck of dust -- welcome! blessings to you, too.
karen - i have received much exuberance from my readers on this little post. i love how what goes around comes around, huh?
SS-- thanks, sis. xoxoox
love the song, the official version...very nice, and moving :)
thanks, hgf!