Meet Aslan

We have a new member of our household. He has come into our life as many things seem to - by surprise AND all the while knowing it was only a matter of time. August 31 was the one year anniversary of our big old golden dog, Curry's passing. Our household has been in that curious mix of mourning and enjoying the freedom of no pet responsibilities. We always knew it was not a matter of if we would get another animal, but more the question of when or what.
Last week while in downtown Ballard, I walked by the pet store and there he was - a big golden kitty version of Curry. We bonded through the glass and I strolled inside to say hello. Then I read is bio - three year old male cat whose human mother had been orphaned by a drunk driver and his dad had been moved into assisted living. Name - Aslan. My heart strings were being pulled, but I walked away.
That night at dinner, I shared the story of the big yellow kitty with my family. My daughter broke into wild expression and announced we had to have him. My husband looked at me and said, "Why didn't you bring him home?" The decision was unanimous and the wheels were in motion.
So, for the last few days in the midst of facilitator training, my husband's travel and my daughter's work schedule, we have been filling out adoption papers for the big fluff ball. He came home with us yesterday and spent the afternoon and evening visiting each of us independently to see who gives the best loving. He is having a hard time deciding which I think is a very good thing for an orphaned and adopted kitty - so much love he can't choose who gives it best. (I will say, daughter scooped him up and carried him off to bed with her and I haven't yet seen him this morning, so she may be in the lead for best snuggles.)
Needless to say, the house feels complete again with the arrival of golden fur, pattering feet and a fuzzy presence to curl up with. Life is good.

Reader Comments (15)
Welcome home Aslan. Rescues are the best. Tune wants to know how you like Weimaraners?
Aslan, we (Lucy, Hazel and me) think you look simply wonderful, and we are delighted that you have managed to end up in such a good household.
Humphrey and Bogart send their best wishes for a happy new life full of cuddles. They told me Aslan could have been part of their "orange gang" at the shelter -- H, B and Omar (another Persian). You are a handsome kitteh indeed! Make sure you, Aslan, set your ground rules early, 'nuff said. Do keep us updated on the integration into the family.
c (& tune) - i think the furries will get along just fine.
tess et al - thank you for the warm wished from england.
barbara and boys - i thought bogart's pictures yesterday reminded me of aslan. he is purring underneath my throat and between my arms as i type right now. bonding quite nicely, wethinks.
From what I hear, rescued cats have a way of showing their gratitude and Aslan must feel right at home in your arms already.
Aslan does look rather like Bogart, but with an elegant longer muzzle.
Humphrey is attempting to distract me from working on the computer right now ...
It will be so nice to cuddle with Aslan on our next trip to S. He looks like a definite winner. Again, congratulations on him selecting you as his family!
P.S. Andy had his teeth cleaned today. Riley stuck VERY close to we humans here in the house. Both have no doubt that the housesitter is on her way. And there is news from Pelham, NY, that dog #3 may soon arrive to live with Jack and Lucy! More stories to follow I'm sure. Also, the recently retired KB is starting her creative writing course in two weeks - yay team!!!
Congratulations to all of you!
Kisses and hugs for Asian!
thanks, ss, rebecca & kigen!! he's already bringing lots of joy :-)
Very SWEEEET! Great name for a kitty. CS would be proud no doubt!!
Aslan - what a purrrfect name!
Oh WONDERFUL, lucy! My heart is just bursting--thanking for adopting the orphan kitty!!
He's just beautiful! What a joy for you all.
A happy ending for all! :))
thank you all for the warm well wishes. my husband was out of town last night and aslan claimed his side of the bed... we'll see what happens tonight :-)