a sad farewell

Curry. A big gentle soul. Has left this world as we know it. He is gone. Dead. Asleep. What do you even call it? I don't know what to do with myself. Wandering. Unable to settle down or think of anything except him. It has been a good day. A sad day. He went peacefully. I feel numb. Curry. Beautiful old dog. I already miss you so much my heart is breaking.
A gentle kind doctor gave him the injection a few minutes before 7:00 p.m. My best friend was gone in less than a minute--less than 30 seconds even. Quick & peaceful. Bill, Janey and I all petting him and holding him until the last breath. He was ready to go.
Time to go and now he is gone. No more to lie beside my bed. To greet me when I return home. To miss me when I am gone. It is my turn to miss him, but he will not return. We have said our final farewells. He is at peace. I believe that. I see him running & romping through fields of green. Sniffing & smelling. Whole & pure. His legs healthy & strong. Bounding across the open space. Snow. Water. Chasing geese and taking flight. The smile is on his face, tail fully wagging...not the meager thump thump of recent days.
Brave until the end. Making it up a full flight of stairs as little as a week ago. Coming to sleep beside me. Not knowing what to do with his aging body that responded in unfamiliar ways or responded not at all. His appetite was good until the end although I did not buy more dog food this week even though he was almost out. I knew. We all knew. He knew the time was here.
Dog is God spelled backwards. How do you say good-bye to someone who has shown you the face of God--been the face of God--on a daily basis for 13 years? Faithful. Non-judgmental. Always glad to see me. Protecting & guarding me. Loving me. Playing with me. Sharing hours of joy as we walked miles and miles together. Digging in the garden. Watching movies. Bounding through the snow. Taking road trips and raising kids. Putting up with costumes & baby strollers. Show 'n tell at school.
A puppy your whole life. Always the greeting committee. Always the well-mannered gentleman. Always the love. I will miss you, old man. Yellow dog. Best old boy. Curry dog. You have been beside me through thick and thin. Waiting through long dark nights. Laughing in the best of times. Faithful always. The most consistent presence in the last 13 years.
I love you, Curry. I will miss you forever.

Reader Comments (21)
Lucy I'm so sorry for your loss, I've been there myself, last year with our Lady dog. My heart goes out to you.
You've written a beautiful eulogy for a faithful companion. I know it's painful to be without him now, but I rejoice that you have had such a remarkable dog in your life. They come along seldom, but when they do, our life is all the more enriched for their being a part of it. I hope you are at peace, knowing that you gave Curry such a grand life, and that you find comfort in your memories of that lovey ol' bear of a dog.
Hugs across the miles from me to you today.
oh dearest lucy, Petunia and I send you lots of love and hugs and warmth. I know so well the pain of the loss, the surprise at how quickly they go once injected, the longing and memory that will linger a lifetime. Duke was there to welcome Curry in with open paws, of that I am certain, showing him where all the best treats are stored.
Lots of love my beautiful friend,
Lucy, I have tears streaming down my face reading this beautiful tribute to your dear, dear friend. I've been through this too and as much as we understand the process intellectualy, our hearts grieve terribly atthe loss.
I believe Curry will still be around...he will still be your friend and your protector and is still loving you...just in a different way.
Sending you hugs and comfort in your loss.
lucy, you have honored curry in such a truthful and tender way. i understand the loss you speak of and my heart swells as i think of you and your family living through the moments of this first day after his death ... and then all the days to come. i welcome continued opportunities to think on you all as you continue with your lives without his.
Oh, tears for you, Lucy. There is a special kind of pain when you lose a dog. It's so raw and spiky. ((Hugs for you)) Love the pics of your boy.
May Curry comfort you in new ways even now. Hugs and love from furry friends in Michigan.
Dear Lucy, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of this very important member of your family. Hugs from Oklahoma. Love, Pamela
thank you all for your loving comments this day. i cannot tell you how many times i have looked for him or thought i heard him stirring in the next room. thirteen years of presence will not easily dissipate!
i feel great comfort from your words of kindness and care even as i miss my big old furry boy!
I want to add my own tears and appreciation for the lovely tribute you gave your faithful and dear companion, Curry. I send you a hug from Montreal.
Well, you know I can't write through these sobs.....these animals that bring so much love into our lives. They sneak in without our knowing, they mesh into our daily lives. He was a noble and wonderful pet and friend. I immediately thought of him in the pond and after the geese - they must have all honked "look out, he's here!" when Curry arrived.....Riley will probably write tomorrow - he can't possibly do so tonight!
Dearest Lucy,
I'm so sorry for your loss. But I also wanted to say thank you for this post, it means more than you know, I sadly commiserate. This coming Friday, at 5pm, I will be releasing my own little reflection of god to return home to his goddess. Sebastian, my cat of 15 years, it is time for him as well.
With much love, ~K. (aka UnlikelyGoddess)
barbara--i can feel your hug! thank you!
SS--oh we are a pair; now you have me blubbering again! that daily stuff is going to be a task as i keep looking for him when i enter a room or go downstairs & i reached for his food bowl this morning as i waited for my coffee. old habits will certainly die hard in this case!
K--wishing you and Sebastian a week filled with love. peace be with you.
What a beautiful and moving parting...your words of devotion, love and longing brought tears to my eyes. It sounds like he taught you about how to love more fully, more deeply...and that you were a willing student. May God bless you and your family during this sad & lonely time...
I've been having internet troubles so have only just come to this.
Dearest Lucy, I am so sorry to hear about your darling, beloved Curry. I almost felt I knew him.
Your eulogy to your companion is so beautiful, it has had me sobbing as well.
Love, thoughts, prayers and hugs to you. xxx
I am so, so sorry! It's so hard, losing a pet. My wonderful cat Fisher died nine years ago, and I still tear up every time I think of him...
Dogs are angelic activity, made feedable. I'm so sorry for your loss. Odd that I posted about dogs today, but indeed, they love us. Faithful. Yes. Curry would say don't hold yourselves off from another Curry - he'd like one of his friends to live with you, no doubt. Again, I'm sorry.. I know that nothing but time makes it easier.
let me join the others and tell you i'm so sad for you. what a well loved companion (you to Curry, Curry to you).
I hope you grieve as long as you need to.
Hi Lucy,
I'm sorry for your loss, and very much understand what you're feeling.
My thoughts are with you. :)
You must still miss Curry so, so much!
Our golden retriever, Sandy, was 13 in December. Am dreading the moment when he leaves us; I just cannot imagine life without him!