Sacred Sunday

Still. Numb. Quiet.
I absorb the light.
Shadow of hand upon paper,
Music of monks drifting through air,
greeting me from centuries past.
Am I alone, or surrounded by saints –
a cloud of witnesses to guide and protect?
Am I alone – or is every hurt of every generation
wrapped inside my body?
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
The pen is heavy, but I cannot release it –
Running out of ink, I pause and pick up another –
Another sorrow? Another pen?
Trading – sorrows & shame.
Am I allowed? Are they welcomed?
Does the Cross exist?
Created in the image of Creator,
Can I write a new story – or
will it always be a continuation of the old?
There is no escaping –
the sorrows run deep,
but what of the joy?
Am I alone – or is the joy of every generation
wrapped inside my body?
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
It is a massive excavation for the
spark lies deep within –
Covered with graves of sorrow and pain –
still the seed is there.
It is Eden before shame
before the covering layered on,
Layer upon heavy layer.
The mustard seed of hope is eternally there –
Waiting to take root.
Waiting for me, alone, to release it.
No one else can write this story –
Or live it –
Or tell it –
Or feel it.
Am I alone – or is every feeling of every generation
wrapped inside my body?
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
glendolough celtic cross ©lucy
remembrance of soil ceremony ©lucy

Reader Comments (5)
A beautiful meditation.
Perhaps the pens we wield trace slightly different colours across the page, but they all use some form of liquid ink. Difference and commonality.
You've captured exactly how I'm feeling today.
Lucy, You are a poet, a true poet -- it comes with the territory what you say: "I carry every feeling of every generation wrapped inside my body." I feel it too but it comes forth in haiku as a love for the oddity of all creatures:
a praying mantis!
that some care for them as pets
I am not surprised
~ kigen
tess - i like that "difference and commonality". both/and for sure :-)
pollinatrix - community is pretty great!
kigen - adore the haiku. peace. what a perfect choice of creatures - the praying mantis!
"It is Eden before shame
before the covering layered on,
Layer upon heavy layer."
Exact. And beautifully said. It's what our journey is all about, isn't it, and where our path of holiness takes us - to union with God, to pre-shame, pre-ego, pre-false self. By the grace of God, we'll get there.