Leavin' on a jet plane

The unmoved is the source of all movement.
Thus the Master travels all day
without leaving home.
However splendid the views,
she stays serenely in herself.

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go. Oh, goodness. I'm channeling John Denver.

When I think of going to Ireland, I imagine the cliffs and the air so thin between heaven and earth that you can reach out and touch the ancestors who have gone before us. I feel the air holding me and lifting me like a feather. I feel like I can float away on the wings of the wind. Perhaps I shall. Still, I know the "heavy" will hold me. It will balance the light. There is freedom in being grounded. There is movement in the unmoved. I could stay inside the four walls of my own home and "travel all day". Today, however, I'm leavin' on a jetplane. Don't know when I'll be back again. (There's John Denver again. Do you think he's Irish?) Like I said, goosebumps and giggles have taken over my body and I am light as a feather. I feel like I could fly to Ireland without the plane.
Stay tuned for updates along the way. They won't be prime time, but they'll have to do.
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane -- John Denver

Reader Comments (3)
Nothing like the gut level excitement of a big trip! Hope your flight is a comfortable one -- you'll be leaving the plane in another part of the world, a place that has not known your footstep.
I did not know John Denver wrote those words. I always associate them with Peter, Paul and Mary who recorded it [and with saying good-bye to my fiance at airports back in the day!]
Have a wonderful trip!!
"When I think of going to Ireland, I imagine the cliffs and the air so thin between heaven and earth that you can reach out and touch the ancestors who have gone before us."
Wow, I love how you so often express how I feel! What you wrote about Ireland, is how I felt about Scotland, before I even visited for the first time and now too that I live here. There are deep roots here and I feel a part of it.
Safe flight and I will wave towards Ireland.
Have a magical time!