perfect stillness

How do you capture the stillness that is God? One step onto the gravel path reverberates like the clashing of cymbals. It is a cacophony of sound against the deep, dark nothingness that surrounds me. It is nothing and it is everything. I can feel God in the air that is neither wet nor humid nor dry. It does not feel heavy and yet I am immensely aware of the air. Not a breath of wind moves through it. Perfect absolute stillness. It is God.
I tiptoe through the wet grass not wanting to break this mood. It is reverent. Holy. The pool of light from my lamp leads the way. It is absorbed into the night leaving me inside a bubble of gentle illumination. It is perfect soft light. It is holy and for a moment so am I. But I am not alone. My light has disturbed a resting goose who startles and makes it known that he is not pleased by my presence. His honks and wings in flight carry through the stillness and across the water that continues to sleep. My heart races for a moment. The goose’s call quieting long before the thump thump thump of my pounding heart.
And then it returns. The stillness. The calm. God. I tiptoe across the wet grass. My own presence disturbing me. How odd it is. I want to be absorbed into the air; the moisture; the dewy grass. I am one with the night. It is a gift. It is perfect. It is God.
Reader Comments (11)
This is perfectly beautiful just as you are.
thank you, C. it was an amazing morning of absolute stillness. I am not sure I have ever experienced anything quite like it before.
Moments like this feel like such gifts don't they? Just a small reminder like 'I am here'.
A very clear description of the moment......reminding me of childhood - I can feel the stillness, I'm 6 yrs old on the grass as the sun rises before anyone else wakens
Holy Cow. I'm sucked in and blown away all at the same time. gorgeous picture you have offered us, textured, and rich and just plain wonderful. thank you.
Feeling the Prescence. Knowing and knowing you are known. Feeling centered in the Love. Knowing you are Loved. Being swallowed in the Peace. Enveloped. Incredible. Wonderful post, wonderful picture. Thanks for taking us along. Love, Pamela
Such a beautiful and precious experience. You took me with you in your writing.
Your question is one I ask myself often … and it’s harder all the time to find this ‘stillness’ … especially when I try to do too much and fail to give myself time and space to ‘encounter’ God … as you’ve so beautifully written of here. Thank you …
Hugs and blessings,
rebecca--it is indeed a gift.
SS--i keep coming back to the question of what were you at 6 years of age doing outside before everyone else awakened?
hmmbrd--love the "holy cow!" i'm smiling now!
pamela--to give you a little further insight, picture an apple orchard with your sweet sister, wendi, soundly sleeping as i tiptoed by :-)
thanks, tess!
storyteller--wishing you a slower time and pace to experience the goodness of the stillness. peace.
Lucy, I used to walk outside before anyone awakened whenever I could - how? I just opened the door and walked outside. Mostly it must have been summer time because it was always early light and the grass was wet on my feet......I might have been 8 rather than 6 but the memory of those mornings is vivid:)
SS--that is amazing to me!