freeze frame

A moment in time. Sunday with my son. Beautiful. Slow. Steady. His glorious smile lighting the day. But first, a sharing of his heart. His fears. His struggles. Authentic and true. There is a humility about him. A realness. A maturity.
We talk over eggs and sausage. I smile. He is my son. We are so much alike and we are so different. We spend the day driving together. He, practicing to get his license. Me, learning to let go. He, becoming more relaxed and consequently me too. (I wonder if the relaxation is with the car or with each other? ☺) The day goes on. A stop by Sunset Hill. “Mom, will you take my picture?” We pick up his sister and drop her off at soccer and then IT happens. The icing on the cake of an already perfect day.
He starts to sing along with the stereo. The Beatles. “Let it be.” He sings aloud. Playfully. Not really in tune. We are so much alike ☺. He is performing. No, he is singing to me—to us. I am holding my closed hand as microphone to his mouth. We laugh. I sing a little myself. Time stops. I want to freeze frame this moment. This day. Let it be. It has been a long time coming. It has been well worth the wait if only for this moment.

Reader Comments (8)
Oh, I do love those Holy Moments! Let them be! Love, Pamela
Thank you for sharing this wonderful freeze frame moment with us!
What a wonderful moment to store in your treasury!
With shiny eyes, I am singing along today..
Beautiful, and heart felt thanks for the share!
Pure Joy!
Accept the good - and you did! I'm glad you had such a beautiful day together:)
Boys are so beautiful, aren't they? When they let you in it is so authentic, so healing on their part, so generous. I think of my male students and times they have shared with me. It is a sacred time.
heart soaring for you as a read your words and picture the priceless long long time coming moment with your son. you are a brave compassionate and tenacious mom who is committed to love in ways i rarely see. well done.