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What Do I Know?

What do I know?
I know the sun was out only moments ago with the promise of a dry morning.
I know that now the sky has turned gray and raindrops are not far behind.
I know the kitten in my lap is a creation of God even when he seems to be of the devil.
I know my daughter is beautiful and pure as she sleeps in the room down the hall.
I know that I will always be full of questions and unknowing.
I know God is near and yet I long to see his face.
And I know if I allow myself, His face will be seen in the sun, the rain, the kitten and my daughter.
I will see God in the questions and in the mystery.
I will know His presence even when my heart feels cold and dry because He gives the promise of sun after the rain and light amidst the dark.
But then again—what do I know?

"gus" by lucy

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