Sunday is for …

Please join me in exploring your own bit of nostalgia. Here’s a quick prompt to get you started: Sunday’s are for…
Please join me in exploring your own bit of nostalgia. Here’s a quick prompt to get you started: Sunday’s are for…
If you were applying for the position of Future Ancestor, what are your qualifications? Previous experience? Areas of passion, simplicity, excellence you want to continue in the world?
Once upon a time, I wrote an anonymous blog… unfiltered, mildly edited thoughts and musings straight from my journal. It began/continued/assisted deep journeys of healing—my own and, at times, others along the way. Today I honor those beginnings.
Do you long to shake out your stuffiness? Give sound to sadness? Sing into silliness? Dance depression? Drum your desires? Paint new possibilities? Write dreams into poetry? Re-member the resonant story? Define your own sacred yes?
What happens when you forget who you are? What brings you back to center? On good days, I remember to write, to paint, to refocus.