Come Fly with Me

If you can imagine it, you can live it!
Part of my practice for the year has been increased attention toward a quiet meditation practice. In her book, Comfortable with Uncertainty, Pema Chodron talks about “surprise mind.” You sit down and —wham!—a rather nasty surprise arises. So be it... Then—wow!—a delicious surprise appears. Okay. This part is not to be clung to but compassionately acknowledged... and let go. The surprises are endless.
I love “surprise mind” (although it does provide some interesting challenges in meditation)! Today’s “surprise” was the birthing of Come Fly with Me. Take a moment. Stop. Breathe. Listen. Pause right now and notice if you can imagine your dreams—yes, yours—spreading out through the world on gossamer wings... reaching and extending through the soft breath of whispering clouds until they permeate the universe. Now imagine this happening at daybreak over the Sonoran desert within a vast silence punctuated only by the generated heat to fill a multi-colored balloon and the delight of playful adults on a bold adventure. Immerse yourself into this landscape and imagine your personal dream rising with the balloon. Next hear your name being whispered into the crystal blue sky. Finally witness both dream and name gently released into the world with love, grace, and delight.
Sound good? Can you feel it? Yes? Then you are personally invited to join me as I embark on a magical mystery tour over the Sonoran desert where I will be releasing beauty, love, and OUR dreams into the world. Dorothy of Kansas never made it into her hot air balloon, but I have a reserved spot to climb into mine next week... And, the surprise is that my heart is compelled to take YOU along with me. A few spirited sojourners will physically join me, but since basket space is limited, I have created another way for you to come fly with me and simultaneously support our dreams!
Flying with me is simple...
· Between now and Wednesday, March 14 @ Noon Pacific Time, send me a note requesting that I share your dream. If you want to include dream details, please keep them brief as the ride is only one hour.
If you feel compelled to join the dream-sharing fun, then read on...
· My dream is for my new book As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life to spread around the world and touch countless hearts and lives in meaningful ways.
You can select a way (or two) and help spread my dream...
· Purchase a copy today (for yourself or someone else).
· If you already own it, tell 5, 10, 20 + new people about it this week.
· Invite me to appear as a guest on your blog.
· Feature the book in a Facebook, Twitter or other social media post.
· Contact your favorite bookstore, gift shop, or newspaper.
· Interview me or recommend me to someone else for an interview. (I have lots to say!)
· Invite me to your locale for a book signing, workshop, or speaking engagement... and help make it happen.
· Spread the word through your own amazingly creative ways!!
... and please, please, please let me know. Your support always fills the wind in my sails!!
Dreams grow and come into reality when we share them with others. This I believe to be true. So, are you ready to Come Fly with Me and watch OUR dreams grow?
Reader Comments (3)
o.k. my dream will be on its way to you probably tomorrow a.m. So hold a spot for me:) xoxo
I would love to have you be a Guest Blogger about journal writing on my blog! How do you want to receive our dreams? In the comments or via email? I love that your are willing to help ours grow, too.
i look forward to taking the two D's with me... Dianna and Dian... very interesting!! xo