Winter Wonderings

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
“We’d noticed the deep, thick rumble of life which is usually below the threshold of human hearing, or at least beyond our attention.”
Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
It is the frequency at which I operate… the low rumble, portender of what is to come and what has been … lives, present and past. Buckskin Joe, Kate Miller Moore, Trudy, Grandmother Ky. Trees and roots and mycelium that reach and twine and tangle inside my body, beyond my mind.
Noticing before disaster happens. Reminders that love is enough. Finding it is the trick … navigating the double-edged swords. I cannot hold air inside my hand. And what if a unicorn is simply a horse with a horn? Am I merely a human with grandiose designs?
Be tender with yourself, dear one. Be tender. Feel the love, live it all, experience everything. Allow green and lavender and violet to wash through your body. Breath of life. All created in creator’s image. God. No god. Spirit. Divine. Darkness. Behold the devilish tendrils that hang onto unwelcome and unessential remnants.
I feel the rumblings rise up in futility like Don Quixote swinging at windmills. Finally, I sink fully into sorrow, into the murky depths, and beyond. Exhausted, I slip into the ruby slippers of my soul where I lay down and cover my dreams in a blanket of longed-for peace. Perhaps if I listen closely enough and long enough (maybe until springtime), the rumble will morph into resonance as it spins contented bee’s hum into sweet honey from my dark meanderings.
What I'm currently reading, watching, listening to, enjoying, supporting ...
Reading: The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni
Listening to: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Practicing: Insight Timer Mindful Mornings Challenge
Watching: The Great British Baking Show
Making & Eating: Creamy soups and homemade bread
Enjoying: Candlelight, extra twinkles around the house, long walks in the woods
Supporting: Elizabeth's Bookshop & Writing Centre (Rachel Cargle)
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