Live it Links: Twelve ways to spark more spring

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"Thank you for this day of knowing my value... Drum into my cells that I get to be here without anxiety that I am enough ... Point my generosity & kindness facing outward, know that everything that flows from me creates a ripple effect."
Prayers of Honoring ~ Pixie Lighthorse
How are you honoring yourself today? Do your insides drum with resonance that You are Enough? Or is anxiety from life and world circumstances gripping your heart and holding you hostage?
I was raised to be silent. To always say please and thank you. Yes, sir and no ma'am. Speaking my mind often ended in being shushed. "Don't be too full of yourself, Kayce." It was a life of living small.As spring comes into full blossom here in the Pacific Northwest, the flowers and birds announce, "Bloom! Grow! Sing!" It's taken me years of learning to listen to the gifts of the world to break my own silence, to risk being 'too full of myself,' and to invite others to do the same. So in honor of springtime and US, I'd like to share a few ways I'm joining the birds and the blossoms.
Morning meditation. My favorite app is Insight Timer. It offers everything from 5-minutes of silence to long leisurely guided meditations. And it keeps track of your progress—which is awesome if you have a goal achiever living inside you.
I'm continuing my Earth Medicine studies with the amazing Pixie Lighthorse. Her books and educational programs are inspired by her indigenous lineage and the divine feminine. Her latest work is Prayers of Honoring Grief. I was privileged to be part of a program that was the inspiring precursor to this new release.
This time of year requires extra grounding, including long walks outside, feeling the changes of the season and all they have to offer. I pause to take deep breaths and remind myself, "I am here now." Sharon Richards (my SoulStrolling pal) and I are delighted to announce a new companion to help set intentions for each day wherever you are. Learn more about our brand new SoulStrolling© Inspiration Deck here.
I'm reading In the Shadow of 10,000 Hills by Seattle author Jennifer Haupt who I met at Elliot Bay Books a couple of weeks ago. Bravo for first novels! I recently finished The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt in preparation for my upcoming adventure to Venice, Italy and Istria, Croatia. Follow along on Instagram!!
For the writers out there, Sarah Selecky is starting a new session of Writing Practice Sessions beginning May 2.
My inner artist is being fed by a fabulous online community called Pull Pen Paint: A Year of Imagination, Imagery, & Intuition. I'm stretching myself by adding simple drawings and paintings to my handwritten journals.
My favorite cookbook is still "31 Meals: A Month of Healthy Simple Dinners" from Minimalist Baker. It is a yummy plant-based diet and includes weekly menus plus shopping lists.
Last, but not least, I am preparing to launch a new book (woohoo!!!). I swear it was the book I was meant to write. Christine Valters Paintner of Abbey of the Arts has this to say:
"If you are skeptical of magic, Kayce will turn your heart, if you are longing for adventure, she will spark you to book a flight, and if you are tired of worrying what others think, Kayce will gently take your hand and lead you to a place of peace with yourself and inspire boldness." Pre-order "SoulStroller: experiencing the weight, whispers, & wings of the world" here.
So... How will you honor yourself this month? What feels like nourishment? What tastes like self-care? What sounds like love? Where will you step out and be bold?
INVITATION: Set your timer and free-write for ten minutes with one or all of today's questions.
I'd love to connect with you and hear what you discover!!

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