Take a Leap ~ Connect to Your World!

“Such a simple thing:
striking the match,
flame leaping from tip,
smell of fire.
Poof, like magic,
they are alight.”
Sharon Richards
This is how we light up the world ~ one magic connection at a time.
Today I want to share about connection and collaboration. What would it mean for you to collaborate with the world? The earth? Your personal surroundings? To sleep when tired, wake when rested, and honor the cycle of the seasons? To eat when hungry and stop when full? To pause in awe at all that surrounds you? To find connection.
Click image for detailsCollaboration is about connection and comes in a multitude of forms. I like to pause and feel my tea’s warmth move through my veins. Or wiggle my toes and notice the ripple crawl up to the crown of my head. Collaboration with the world is about being present.
Begin with your own body. Are you warm, cold, hungry, stiff? What emotions do you notice? Calm, angry, resistant, peaceful? Check in. Collaborate with yourself and then carry it out to the world. A simple word when shared with another is collaboration. An exchange of goodwill. Working together for the common good.
How will you collaborate with the world? Does that question overwhelm you? Whether yes or no, it's always great to start small. One step, one person, one prompt at a time.
During the month of March, Sharon Richards and I (the creators of SoulStrolling) are sharing 31 simple words to help you connect and collaborate with your world. (Click here for details and to download the words. No sign up and it’s FREE!)
I hope you will choose to collaborate with us ~ with your world. Try it for a few days. Write down the words. Play with them. Carry them in your pocket. There’s magic in making an intention. Together we can change the world in this simple way. Let’s collaborate!!
Ponder the word for the day. Notice what arises in your mind. Free-write. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Make art. Dance it. Snap a photo. Use it as a walking meditation. Slow down. Take your soul for a stroll. Be present. What captures your eye? The ways to play are infinite!!!
How does the world collaborate with you?
Share your findings on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, your blog... Use the hashtag #soulstrolling + the prompt for the day (ex. #bonjour)
(This post excerpted from Live it to Give it Newsletter. Subscribe in the right hand column and receive your free gift!)
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