Three Top Tips for Success

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
Brand Strategist, Social Media Influencer, Speaker and founder of No.113 Branding Joie Gharrity recently asked me if I would provide three of my top tips for success. Here's what ensued.
I created Live it to Give it because I believe every single person is created to live life to the fullest. Old school myths teach us that taking care of oneself is inconsiderate and selfish. However, the natural response to living from a love-centered place is a growing desire to give generously in the world. When we know self-love, we offer it more easily to others. When we embrace freedom, we seek equality for everyone. When we speak from a place of truth, we learn to give and receive honestly. Live it to Give it is about fostering a world where love, freedom and truth are lived, offered, and received.
The most powerful tool for growth or change is experience. For Tip Tuesday, I’m delighted to share three of my favorite ways to experientially step into your life and business like only you can. Enjoy!!
Tip #1 – You are your most valuable asset. Take care of it! With self-care it’s easy to say I’ll do it when I have time or after this project or when the laundry’s done or or or… Resisting self-care impacts your business in unhealthy ways. If you’re not taking care of the company’s top asset, how can you offer the best possible service to your clients?
If slowing down feels like an impossible task, start small. Employ one of my favorite strategies and take your soul for a stroll. Set your timer for 3-5 minutes. Pause. Breathe. Listen. Choose to do nothing else or perhaps listen to a favorite song. Dance. Stretch. Look out the window with a focus on replenishment. Begin with a positive intention and give yourself permission to simply be. Set your perfect self-care pace. Watch yourself grow and blossom alongside your business.
Tip #2 – Define what success means for you. Get clear on the vision of what you want for your life and business, not what someone else says you should want or do. For me, success means waking up each day and offering my best to the world. It’s going to bed at night knowing I’ve been true to my calling. It’s offering grace to myself when I think I may have fallen short.
Success is fluid. It comes in all shapes and sizes. No one person can define it for another. Success arises from the place deep within that says, “I rocked my business my way. I showed up in the world as only I can show up.”
Define it. Start with the writing prompt: Success is. Write for ten minutes by hand without stopping. If you get stuck, simply keep writing ‘success is.’
Get clear on what success means for you and watch the magic as you begin to embrace that perfect vision.
Tip #3 – Step into the creative side of your brain. Nurture your style.
Take time to play with the visual side of your business. Toss out everything you think you know and imagine your business is a blank canvas and you are the artist. Notice the tiniest details of what your perfect business includes. What colors are you drawn to? What energies and elements—earth, wind, fire, water? Do you thrive on high impact boldness like Andy Warhol or Picasso or do you feel most inspired in the midst of a soothing Mozart or Chopin symphony? What’s your personal style? Sassy? Neutral? Bohemian? Classic? Where and when do you work? Who do you serve? What do they look like? Sound like? Let your imagination run wild.
Create your own palette with crayons or magazine cutouts. Step into the sensory side of your business and let the masterpiece create itself.
Live it to Give it invitation: Which tip is calling to you?
Select one. Play with it. Give it a voice!!
Oh... and while you're at it, check out my soon-to-be-released novel, Blue!

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