Friday Morning Blues ~ A Poem

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
Wait for the sky’s last blue... then you’ll know the answer. *
Rich Waters © Bill Hughlett ~ h3imagesBlue. I am immersed in it.
Plump blueberries on a white plate. Pastel sky outside this window. Blue jeans. Blue watch. Blue moods.
Blue is coming. Blue is here.
It greets me with the morning’s palest tint and rises through brilliant midday. Cobalt horizons host wisps of cotton clouds, until finally, the deepest night arrives; boasting a sliver of silver moon and dear sweet Pluto winking, “I am here.”
Blue like my granddaughter’s eyes and her great great grandfather Birt’s before her. A new blue dress and an old navy sandal. Shades. Vestiges. Memories.
Wait for the sky’s last blue… then you’ll know the answer.
The end of the day or the end of a life? Both approach at rapid speed—and yet—and then—they begin again.
Blue chips. Blue cheese. Blue pastis à Paris. Blue peacocks and jays, screeching out their tunes just like me.
Indigo. Violet. Azure. Sea blue. Sky blue. Navy & more.
Singing the blues. Swimming the deep blue sea. Riding an aqua wave.
Wait for that last hue. Wait. Then maybe… just maybe… you’ll know the answer.
*line from “Become Becoming” Li-Young Lee
Available for pre-order now. Release date: September 10, 2015. Experience your own shades of BLUE.
excerpt: Blue. Everywhere. As the dawn light began to flicker through her sable- tinted lashes, all Daisy could see or sense was the color blue. Faint shadows distinguished themselves, and as her eyes adjusted, she began to notice shades of green moving toward black with strands of deep violet woven within. Aqua. Amethyst. Navy almost turned to black. The colors enveloped her vision. The primary variation in hue was between multiple shades of sapphire. No white or distinct light. It was like her corneas were covered in some outrageous version of that awful plastic wrap that came in different colors and made your food look anything but appealing.

Reader Comments (3)
LIKE! xoxo
This was a good interview. I am taking one of Christine's online classes and find it deeply relaxing and opening. The world gets to be a smaller place with all these connections of people.
Dianna and Jill - Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You both make very good company!! xoxo