Introducing Live it Links!

I don't know about you, but I can't believe the last day of 2015 has arrived. Looking back, I am awed by all this year has held. Looking forward, I am excited to step into the great unknown of 2016. For the past several years, I've committed myself to the practice of allowing a word to choose me for the year. In 2015, my word was YIELD. It both terrified and excited me, but most of all it helped ground me through all the highs and lows that inevitably come within a 365 day period.
This year during my Advent practice, I noticed the word REFLECT kept showing up in ways that made me tingle and cringe. What would it mean to 'cast back light' in the world? To be mirrored? To give back? To deeply think, ponder, and meditate on the topics that cross my path each day? Well... I have some ideas and today I'm excited to announce "Live it Links."
"It is always an invitation, just enough to draw us deeper." ~ Richard Rohr
"Live it Links" is my offering to you. In them I will share the things that make me think, laugh, cry, and sometimes cringe. Simply put, they are literally "links" to stories, jokes, and meaningful words I've run across during recent days. I offer them freely. They aren't sponsored ads, just a tiny reflection from me to you. I hope they will inspire you to live, love, laugh, and give back to the world as only you can. And now without further ado...
1.) If you like the idea of selecting your own word, Abbey of the Arts offers a free mini-retreat WITH prizes to help you select your very own word. Check out Give Me a Word here.
2.) I'm a big lover of books and I can hardly wait to dive into Maria Popova's Top 15 Books of 2015 @ Brain Pickings. I'm currently savoring #11, "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. The list also contains two of my favorite poets, David Whyte and Mary Oliver plus Brené Brown's "Rising Strong."
3.) Speaking of books and poetry, I'd be terribly remiss if I didn't mention that my partner in SoulStrolling, Sharon Richards has a brand new book of poetry available on Amazon called, "Thresholds and Crossings."
"A collection of poems weaving together family stories, travel and interactions with still life. Inviting readers into conversations with the extraordinary ordinary, from blessings of water to giggles and Guinness, whispering paintings to scallop shells."
4.) And then there are those things that make me sing, cry, and dance all at the same time. That's what happened when I watched this video of Aretha Franklin performing "(You make me feel like) A Natural Woman" to honor singer-songwriter Carole King. This is the closest I'll ever get to politics here... Obama is in the audience wiping tears from his cheeks. Carole King's response is priceless.
5.) For you travellers at heart...this slideshow peek into Cuba at RiessHill Pour yourself a sassy drink, stretch out your happy feet, and get ready to mambo. These photos are exquisite!
6.) I pinned this article in my Flipboard account and will be returning to read more about the scientific studies being done on: Mysticism, Oneness, Spirituality, and Describing the Indescribable.
To close this session of Live it Links, here is a quote to ponder from #6 ...
"We are unique and different for a reason. Though our journeys may be similar only you can walk your path and form your own ideas about your experiences." Kristen Cowart
What ideas will you form today?
I'd love to hear about your thoughts and favorite links. Feel free to share them in the comments and please let me know if you have something you think I might like to read! And do tell what you're pondering :)

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