by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
Gratitude is the best way to begin or end anything:
Be it a new day or a new year!!! As I think about coming to the end of the 31 Days of Simplicity and Inspiration project, I have a deep desire to express my gratitude for all who have participated—contributors and readers. Thank you!! This would not have been the same without YOU!
Throughout the month of December, I had to ask myself what in the world I was thinking when I added one more thing to an already full time of year. In addition to the normal holiday hilarity, I was finishing book edits for my fall release novel, creating text and weekly audio lessons for an Advent class, and managing 31 days. Plus… and this is the most exciting part… I was getting to know my new granddaughter, Violet Grace, who was born on November 13. So… what is the answer to ‘what was I thinking?’ Sometimes there is no thought, only response. I truly felt called to offer this project and I am immensely grateful I followed my instincts. Each day was a lovely reminder to slow down and a lesson in remembering what is essential. Every contributor brought a thoughtful and personal spin on living life. As the holidays come to a close and 2015 drifts into focus, I realize there are still a million things to do. There’s the tree and decorations to take down. My husband and I are considering a small remodel in our studios and bedroom. Sharon Richards and I are zeroing in on what’s next in Paris. I have another book or two bubbling around inside me. There’s marketing to do, groceries to buy, a house to clean, and sweet Violet to hold. Bottom line—life is full! My choice is to focus on being productive instead of busy. For me, ‘productive’ includes the essentials of simplicity and inspiration. Face it, the timing is never going to be perfect to start a new project or get in shape. Goldilocks got into all sort of trouble looking for ‘just right.’ Sometimes we have to jump in to be inspired or slow down to find simplicity. Focus on what is essential and let go of the rest. Listen to the messages of the Universe. Make space for God to speak. Trust that all will be well. Keep it simple. Focus. Breathe. Love. Inhale. Exhale. Release. Be kind to yourself and others. Express gratitude every day.

Happy New Year!!! With love and gratitude, Kayce
Kayce Stevens Hughlett is an artist of being alive. Her passions include writing, speaking, lifestyle coaching, and taking groups for soul strolls in Paris. Her 2012 non-fiction book, As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life is a lyrical and lucid treasure that invites readers to new awakenings throughout the year. It’s a great holiday gift for yourself or others. Learn more about Kayce and her offerings at
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