photography by special guest, Bill Hughlett
"Meister Eckhart, the Christian mystic, asserted that if the only prayer we ever prayed our whole life was "Thank you," that would be enough. Gratefulness cultivates a visceral experience of having enough. When we are mindful of what we have, and give thanks for the many gifts we have overlooked or forgotten, our sense of wealth cannot help but expand, and we soon achieve a sense of sufficiency we so desire." Wayne Muller

Remember: Gratitude is the best way to begin or end anything; Be it a new day or a new year!!!
Happy New Year!!! With love and gratitude, Kayce & Bill
Bill Hughlett is a CFO by profession and photographer by passion. His award-winning work has been featured in Alaska Airlines Magazine, shown in Washington galleries, and graces many homes and offices around the country. Together, Bill and Kayce are creating unique workshops that incorporate photography and writing with stillness and personal awareness. Their dream is to travel the world offering their gifts to others.
Learn more about Bill in this in-depth interview on creativity and spirituality at Abbey of the Arts.
Kayce Stevens Hughlett is an artist of being alive. Her passions include writing, speaking, lifestyle coaching, and taking groups for soul strolls in Paris. Her 2012 non-fiction book, As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life is a lyrical and lucid treasure that invites readers to new awakenings throughout the year. It’s a great holiday gift for yourself or others. Learn more about Kayce and her offerings at
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