#26 The Universe Knows

by guest Susan "Sunshine Sue" Martorano
The Universe has a brilliant way of helping me put things in perspective when I'm open to looking and listening. The other day I was particularly stressed and feeling down. I took myself to the beach to breathe in the salt air and calm myself.
A man and his dog, sitting on a bench were taking in the scenery, as well, and we started to chat. Lorenzo served 2 tours in Vietnam. As we watched the tremendous storm induced waves crashing into Lighthouse Cove he told his story and the parallel of the booming of the waves to the booming of the bombs during combat. Lefty, his dog, has only 3 legs. Born without a right front paw, Lefty has been Lorenzo’s companion for the last 10 years.
As we shared stories of who we are and what we've accomplished in our lives, a surfer walked up to the fence. He placed his board on the ocean side of the fence, jumped it and then grabbed the board with his left arm and hand. He had no right arm. Affixed to his wetsuit was a device that will allow him to paddle his board. At exactly the right moment, I realized that we all have stories.
My inspiration for slowing down comes when I least expect it. As I frantically rush through a project, or hurry to the store and not pay attention to what’s going on around me, I’m often stopped in my tracks by images.
The Universe knew exactly where I needed to be and exactly what I needed to observe to help me appreciate my life, the ability to calm myself, and to realize that we all have our struggles. My appreciation and gratitude were once again realigned. I’m glad I took the opportunity to slow down and let the images fill my soul.
Susan “Sunshine Sue” Martorano is a self-empowerment humorist, speaker and author sharing over 50 years of “You’re not the boss of me” irreverent humor and real life stories and experiences – From “fry girl” to “rocket scientist” at NASA.
She has dedicated the last 10 years of her life to studying with the masters in the self-development & empowerment arenas, learning tangible tools and techniques in order to empower herself, and now others, to let go and honor their past so they no longer feel stuck, angry and depressed.
Sunshine Sue shares her unique tools and techniques through keynotes and books – all with a humorous twist- finding inspiration that fits!

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